Shotgun & Devillic Log: Getting Summer Ready

Nov 23, 2023 16:07

That observation about the cover up in hand made Kaiya make a face. "Yeah, that's what I was afraid of." She agreed, then put the dress back. Obviously, many of the things there were made with the idea that the person wearing it would have a much smaller chest than hers. She was, after all, much larger than the average girl for bust size in Japan, so it wasn't too surprising. She sighed, then kept looking. One after another, the more 'dress'-like options were either the wrong material, too short-skirted, or just baggy. Nothing seemed to be working the way she wanted. "Okay, let's look at the more robe-like ones. I don't see anything I like here." By 'robe-like', she meant ones that were open, but could be closed to varying degrees with a belt or sash. She'd feared that they wouldn't close properly on her, and would therefore not work like a dress, but she was willing to look and see if any would both work, and be something she liked.

"Ok~" Mikoto agrees easily, thinking there was a lot of potential with the robe ones. Like, yeah some of them may not be able to accommodate her chest, but that's true of anything, and loose and baggy he thinks won't work great with her frame. Although he's quickly distracted by a literal clearance bargain bin. Not of cover-ups specifically, just of everything. He decides to dig through that and leave the cover-ups to Kaiya.

Kaiya couldn't help but be amused at Mikoto gravitating toward the bargain bin. She wasn't sure that was normal for the blond, but he *did* shop at Closet Child, just like her, so bargains and second hand clearly weren't foreign to her friend. So, she just started to look through the various robes. Plus side of this style of cover up? She could literally just try them on right there. Sure, it wouldn't look the same as over a bikini, but she could at least get an idea of whether they would close or not over her chest.

Interestingly, she immediately found a lot more colours, patterns, and materials she liked in this style, pretty much immediately. She pulled about six different ones, then started trying them on over her clothing. As she'd feared, the first four didn't close well, or would gape horribly when she moved. So, those were all nos. The next one closed pretty much perfectly, but it was massively see-through. Not necessarily terrible, but if she wanted to be able to use it at a restaurant... this probably wasn't it. Finally, she held up the last one. She really liked the flow of it, and the red flowers on the black background didn't even clash with her hair. She really hoped it would work out.... Trepidatious, she pulled it on, closed it up, then gave a little squeal of delight as she looked in the mirror, then moved and stretched a bit to see if it gaped anywhere weird. It was perfect. Just... perfect.

Mikoto is fine with buying things for full price, but if you're at a store you don't follow closely enough to know the releases for, then you have just as much chance of finding something great in the bargain bin, and he obviously feels no shame. That said, when he hears her gasp, he looks over. It looks like a nice dress to him - very summery, mildly see-through but it doesn't seem too bad. The shoulder details and long sleeves make it read much more like a dress than anything else, and he ends up checking, "That's a cover-up?"

When Mikoto spoke up, Kaiya glanced at him, happiness all over her face, and nodded. "Yeah! It is! Really nice, right?" She asked before undoing the cover up, so he could see that it really wasn't a dress at all, really. "It's so pretty! And pretty much exactly what I was imagining!" She admitted, even if she had started out this part of their shopping saying she didn't want anything robe-like.

"It does seem just about perfect," The blond agrees, definitely thinking it's the sleeves that bring it over the edge to being something really chic. And they're lucky it closes properly over Kaiya's chest. His hand encounters something lacy in the bargain bin and he pulls it up. It's definitely some kind of black lace something.

Once Kaiya had the cover up back on its hanger, she moved over to the bin to see if Mikoto had found anything interesting there. And just as she did, he pulled out something black and lacy. "What's that?" She asked, it not being immediately obvious.

"Dunno yet," Mikoto admits. The item is a little tangled, probably from its existence in the bin. He gets it sorted, then laughs, it clearly being.... a robe style cover up. He pulls it on himself, "Ooh, it's kinda sexy though?"

Kaiya watched with interested curiosity as Mikoto got the item untangled, then 'oooh'ed as the blond pulled it on. "Yeah, it is~" She agreed, thinking it would be really nice to use in a private setting, but maybe not at the public beach.

Mikoto does a spin in it, because of COURSE he does, even though it doesn't at all match his cute outfit. Then he checks the tag, and all but waves it in Kaiya's face, "500yen. It's *five hundred* yen!" What a steal.

That cute spin made Kaiya giggle, but his exclamation about the price brought a delighted gasp from her lips. "Oh wow! That is such a good price!" She agreed immediately.

"Honestly, worth it even if you don't want it as a cover up," Mikoto reasons, since it could be nice pieces of fabric to make something of as an option too, certainly for that price. He takes it off and adds it to their pile.

Now, Kaiya had kind of been thinking that Mikoto might want it for himself, but his comment told her otherwise. And knowing he intended it for her... well, she immediately had ideas for it that made her blush just a little. "Ah... yeah." She agreed, though she *definitely* wanted it for a cover up. Whether for a private trip sometime... or to pair with some lingerie one day. Actually, thinking of that, she should try it with the lingerie she'd bought before~

Mikoto had just tried it on for fun, he really isn't thinking about things for himself today. He does that all the time, and this is for Kaiya. A final look around the store does not procure them a pair of sunglasses, but really the blond feels like they've made out like bandits here anyways; and as he'd said earlier, you can get sunglasses just about anywhere.

Once they'd checked out and had the bags in hand, Kaiya couldn't help a happy little laugh from bubbling up. She couldn't remember the last time she'd bought so many things for herself at once, and while it still seemed extravagant to her, it did feel really exciting at the same time. And they weren't even done! "Where should we look for sunglasses, then?" She asked, almost bouncing with happiness next to Mikoto as they headed back into the rest of the mall.

"Sunglasses are easy and hard - easy because they're everywhere and hard because... they're everywhere. You can get them in pharmacies sometimes. Lots of accessories stores have them, clothing stores sometimes do.. and I think most of the glasses chains can sell non-prescription ones too," Mikoto replies. It's hard because it very much is a 'where do you start' issue.

"Oh wow. That's.... a lot of choices." Kaiya agreed, a little overwhelmed just listening to all the options. "Probably somewhere that they won't be too expensive, though? I mean, I don't need a prescription, so they just have to look pretty good and do their job..." She said, not sure which of the stated options would fit that bill at all.

"Hmm... maybe an accessory store? Like one of those ones where they sell mostly hats and umbrellas?" The blond suggests. He has no idea what the prices are like in a glasses store, and while he expects a pharmacy would have cheap glasses, he's not convinced that they would *look* good.

"Sounds like a plan." Kaiya agreed easily, thinking that Mikoto's logic was good, even if he hadn't expressed it fully. After all, an accessory store should have a fairly large variety of sunglasses to choose from, and hopefully some not too pricey ones.

Mikoto leads the way once again to the store directory, which handily has a section specifically for accessory stores. Now, there's a 300 yen store there so he's not sure these are all stores that would be what they want, but at least they know where to look, "Looks like there's one on this floor, and another one on the floor below."

"Oh good!" Kaiya said brightly, happy that there were a couple of promising stores here. Honestly, this mall had done very well by them today. "So... start with the one on this floor?" She continued, thinking that made the most sense.

"Yup, sounds like a plan," Mikoto agrees. He'd honestly already been doing the mental work to orient himself from where they are to the store they want, and soon enough he's leading the way there. And the place sure does have a lot of hats, he can see that before they even get there.

Kaiya trusted her friend's sense of direction and let him lead the way. Once they got to the store, she kind of stared at the incredible array of hats. "I'm not sure if it's disappointing or not that we already got me a hat." She announced with a bit of a laugh. She liked the hat they'd gotten for her, though, so she didn't regret the buying. Just that there were *so* many options here. But... they were here for sunglasses, so finding those was the mission right now.

Mikoto sees a lot of hats, but not a lot of *exciting* hats that he's interested in, personally, so he shrugs, "I think we got you an awesome hat." A lot of the hat racks were kind of outside the store proper, so he heads further in and finds a rack of sunglasses, "Bingo~ Over here, Kaiya-chan~"

"Oh, definitely agreed." Kaiya responded, especially as she got a better look at the hats and saw that many of them were just the same hat in different colours. Great if you liked the style but wanted to match an outfit, but not so helpful if you wanted a more unique style. She moved further into the store, trying to find where the sunglasses were, but didn't spot them before Mikoto called out to her. "Oooh~" She cooed, moving over to look at the various frames with her friend. Immediately, she spotted a pair with heart-shaped lenses. "Oh, these are not going to look good at all, are they~?" She said, even as she tried them on.

Mikoto laughs, loving that she just pulled the first ridiculous pair she saw and put them on. Exactly why shopping can be fun even if you don't find anything you like. "I mean, they have a vibe to them..." And he holds out his hand for them, fully planning on taking a selfie of himself and sending it to Keiji. He thinks they look more like his 'vibe' (the fake, girly vibe of his femme side) than Kaiya's. Plus the blond hair just goes better.

Kaiya grinned as she handed the sunglasses over. "Right?" She agreed, though she thought that they actually kind of worked on Mikoto. They still weren't stylish, but his feminine persona could totally rock something like that. While the blond took his selfie, she went back to looking at the sunglasses in front of them.

There's something barbie-esque about the sunglasses with the blond hair, and Mikoto definitely thinks it works. He takes a little time with the selfie, finding the lighting in the store to be frankly homophobic, but finally he's happy with one of his shots, and he sends it along to his boyfriend without any comment. Just boom, random surprise photo of girl Miko in rainbow heart glasses. He turns back to Kaiya, and admits, "I might buy these stupid glasses."

At that assertion, Kaiya couldn't help but giggle. "I think you should." She encouraged. After all, she knew Mikoto had the money for them, and she also didn't think they were that expensive anyway. Also, they looked amusingly cute on him. That said, she pulled another pair of glasses off the rack. "What do you think of these?" She asked, putting on sunglasses with large lenses that transitioned from blue at the top to pale pink at the bottom, and had some fake jewel accent along the frames near the arms.

They aren't very expensive, they're WELL within budget for a silly purchase for something that just kind of makes him happy. He looks at himself in the mirror again, and realizes, "I'm becoming a drag queen aren't I?" He looks over to see what Kaiya's found, and smiles, "I think they're delightfully gaudy. They do kind of look good on you too. I don't think they're the vibe though?"

The idea that Mikoto was becoming a drag queen made Kaiya giggle again, but she said, "I mean, you weren't already~?" Mikoto's assessment of the glasses she was wearing made her look at them in the mirror and consider them as well. "Mmm... yeah, I see what you mean. I think they're perfect for *someone*, but.... not me." She agreed, taking them back off and putting them away.

Luckily for Mikoto, Keiji had just been given a break, so he checked his phone. And, of course, the first thing he saw was his boyfriend dressed very cutely, and wearing ridiculous sunglasses. What a lovely thing to see~ He wrote back, "Looking gorgeous, as always~ I really hope those are for you, not Kaiya." Fact was: they looked great on the blond, even if they were ridiculous, but he didn't think they would work at all on his sister.

"There's definitely a difference between an okama and a drag queen, although there are also a lot of similarities as well," Mikoto replies. He knows that draq queens, generally, seem way more flamboyant and okama seem a bit more passing oriented. But whatever. He nods at her thoughts about the sunglasses she'd been trying, thinking that that's a good explanation.

The blond hears a familiar tone from his phone, and shamelessly gets it out to check the text straight away. And the response makes him smile. He quickly types and sends the explanation, "She found them, but we agreed that they looked better on me~"

"I know~" Kaiya assured her friend, having been almost entirely joking with her previous words. As she was looking for something else to try on, serious or not, she heard her friend's phone chime. "My brother~?" She asked, almost certain she was right.

Keiji held back a laugh at that response. "I have no doubt that's true. Have fun, ne? I have to get back to work." He wrote, knowing that he would be called back for the next set of photos in a minute.

"Mmhmm," Mikoto says to Kaiya. He has different notification sounds for his most frequent messagers, and ringtones for calls too, so he'd known 100% it was Keiji before he'd even looked. He smiles checking the next message too, clearly just happy being able to talk to Keiji like this still. 'Have fun at work! ttyl!' he puts his phone away, "Sorry, I'll try to be more help looking now~"

That response just made Kaiya giggle again. "I'm surprised he was even able to reply." She said, clearly not too worried that Mikoto hadn't been helping until now. She also looked at some more of the glasses, but other than a couple more really kitschy pairs, she didn't see anything really interesting (or, if she did, they were completely the wrong shape for her face).

"Must've caught him on break. Lucky~" The blond replies, clearly quite happy with how things had worked out. He helps her scour the glasses rack, and while he finds some other funny ones to try on, he doesn't find anything too promising. He buys his ridiculous sunnies, then suggests, "Let's try the other place~"

After trying on some fun pairs with the blond, Kaiya had to agree that they weren't going to find anything for her there. Once they were out of the store, she nodded at Mikoto's words. "Yup! Let's go!" She agreed, trusting Mikoto to remember where they were going on the floor down.

The blond doesn't remember *Exactly* where it was, but he remembers the right general area, so it doesn't take them too long to make their way. This place has hats, but he also sees racks of jewelry straight away, and he thinks it might just be a better fit for the style they're looking for. He admits, "Oh, this looks promising~"

"Yeah? You think so?" Kaiya asked, honestly just noticing the hats at first. She did notice that the hats seemed more diverse than the first store, though, so that might mean it was a little more style-oriented, and less silly.

"They have more earrings and stuff than just hats; seems like a... younger vibe. So I think it may do," the blond admits, heading in to try to find the sunglasses display that he fully assumes they have.

"Oooh~ That's true! They do!" Kaiya responded, only noticing the jewelry once Mikoto had pointed it out. Once they found the sunglasses, though, she was happy to see that there were far fewer of the silly frames, and far more nice shapes. "Oooh~ It looks more promising for sure~"

Mikoto agrees, "Yeah. The fact that they have a lot of similar ones but with slight differences is good - better for finding something that suits you." It certainly looks more sincere as an array of options.

"Hmmm..... okay. Should I find the right shape, or the right colour first?" Kaiya asked, having faith that Mikoto would know which would be the better course here.

"Find the right shape first," Mikoto suggests, "Once we know what shape you like, even if it's a pair you don't like the look of, we can then quickly compare anything in colours we like to the shape."

"Okay, that makes sense." Kaiya agreed, "We already know heart frames and really huge ones are not it." She added with some amusement, then reached for a simple pair of round frames done in tiger stripe. Since they were just going for shape right now, she didn't really care what was on them. Trying them on, she turned to Mikoto. "Okay, what about round?"

"Hmmm," Mikoto considers (and he personally loves the tiger stripe, but he knows that he is a deeply gaudy person). "I think they still seem a bit big; you have a cute small face. Although maybe something a bit more oval and less circular would be ok?" He considers, looking at the frames. The rack they're on is one of those rectangular prism ones that you can rotate, so he rotates it to see a different side -- passing her a pair of oval shaped glasses in a boring brown colour.

Kaiya nodded, accepting that assessment easily. She put the round glasses back, then accepted the oval shaped glasses instead. Once they were on, she took a look in the mirror. "Mmmm.... closer? But there's something.... I don't know. I don't think it's exactly right?" She turned back to Mikoto to see if he agreed with her thoughts, or had any other opinions about the look.

"I do think they're an improvement..." the blond replies. They weren't swallowing up her face in the same way. He passes her a pair that are similar, but a bit more rectangular and less like an oval (although... they're *glasses*, they're still rounded). He rotates the shelf again and sees a gorgeous pair of black glasses with dark lenses that give the impression of a cat eye, "Oh wait, wow these are cool." He passes them over to Kaiya as well.

Hearing that Mikoto had a similar opinion to her own, Kaiya nodded again, then took the oval glasses off and put them back. When she was handed the more rectangular ones, she wasn't so sure of them even before trying them on, but there really was no harm in putting them on her face. Who knew? They might be perfect. She was just lifting them to put them on when Mikoto called out like that. "Oh?" She said, settling the first pair on her face before looking over to take the new pair that was being handed to her. "Oh! Those do look cool!" She enthused, taking off the rectangular lenses without even looking at them in the mirror to swap them out for the cat-eye ones. Immediately, she felt cool. "How do I look~?" She asked, not even checking the mirror yet herself.

Mikoto's pleased that his little sister feels the same immediate appeal of the cat eye glasses. He looks at her -- and with those glasses and that red curly hair, it's very striking. It takes a moment for him to figure out what it's reminding him of, and then he admits, "You look like a classic pin-up model with those on, honestly."

Seeing that Mikoto was taking in the look and making a thorough assessment, Kaiya decided to do a little pose in them. The eventual verdict, though, made her laugh brightly. "What? No! Really?" She responded, then looked in the mirror, finally. Her immediate reaction was that she liked the way they looked. After that, she tried to see the pin-up potential, and.... yeah, she could kind of see it. "Okay, I think this is the shape. Yeah."

"Honestly, those might even be the ones," Mikoto admits. Sure, they're all black which makes them pretty gothy - but also means they'll go with anything, and she bought some colour in her suits so the overall effect won't be so harsh. He does check the rack to see if there are any other similar frames in different colours.

Mikoto's words brought another nod as Kaiya continued to check herself out in the mirror. "I think the only thing better might be if there's a pair with sparkles? Or a really subtle swirl of blue or green in the black, or something?" She suggested, not sure either would be something that existed. If they didn't, black would certainly work.

The blond carefully scours the rack, including the side he hadn't checked yet, and shakes his head, "The only other similar pair they have is a white frame, and I think the black is definitely better."

"Ah~ Sad. Yeah, I don't think white would really do the trick." Kaiya agreed, then shrugged. "And black will work with everything else I got today, especially as an accessory. And won't look weird if I wear them normally, and not with my beach stuff." She added, just realizing with the amount of black in her wardrobe, it was probably best these were a simple black as well.

"I think they'll look stunning with the hat we got earlier too," Mikoto replies, that only adding to his pin up girl mental image. He smiles, and helps to return the other pairs she'd tried on to the rack. "It seems like our mission is complete then~"

"Oh! Oh! Once we leave the store, I should totally try them with the hat!" Kaiya responded eagerly, thinking that would be great to check out immediately (though obviously not in the store, just in case). "Wow~ I'm kind of surprised that we got it all done!"

Mikoto smiles, "Yes, absolutely. We can do a little photo shoot even," He jokes, just because he doesn't know where they'd really find space for that. They head to the register and make their final purchase, "Yeah, some kind of shopping gods were looking out for us today or something -- although, now that we got all that done -- what do we do now?"

"Oooh~ Photoshoot~ Maybe outside?" Kaiya suggested, though her outfit really wasn't photoshoot worthy that day, in her opinion. Once they were done with the final purchase, Kaiya sighed in relief, then laughed at Mikoto's words. "Yeah, they really were. We're gonna have to find out who the god of shopping is, then bring, like, a mocha frappuccino to their shrine, or something~" She agreed with amusement. The question about what to do now, though, made her have to consider. "Mmmm.... I dunno! Lunch, maybe?" She suggested, not really suggesting where they had lunch: whether it be out, at the Traveller, or at one of their apartments. It just seemed like a good next step in their day to her.

"We could do bust shots - show off the hat and glasses," Mikoto offers, if that is better. "We could do lunch -- we could also still wander around the mall, or anyplace out in odaiba." He knows she wouldn't want to be spending much money, so he's fine with heading back to their houses or whatever too. It just seems like -- it took this long to get to Odaiba anyways.

"Oh yes~ Bust shots would be great!" Kaiya agreed immediately. Then it wouldn't matter how casual her clothing was that day. Just show off the cool new apparel~ The suggestions that Mikoto came up with for what to do next sparked her interest even more, though. "Ooooh~ I vote wander Odaiba~ Neither of us have been here before, right? We should see what's here!"

"Ok, agreed! Do we need pre-wander food?" Mikoto asks, since they could check out the food court before heading out, or they could try to find food out and about.

"Mmmm..... maybe a snack?" Kaiya responded after a few seconds of thought. It would also give them a chance to sit for a few minutes after all their walking so far that day. "Unless you're really hungry, then we could do some actual lunch, then wander?" She'd mostly suggested lunch because it seemed the right time, rather than being truly *needing* food that moment.

Mikoto considers, and he's not quite sure how hungry he is. He shrugs, "Well, let's see what tempts us at the food court, ne?" He thinks he vaguely recalls whereabout the food court is, so he starts leading the way.

"Okay~ That sounds fair." Kaiya agreed, though it sounded like Mikoto wasn't super hungry either. As they made their way toward the food court, the delicious smells did make her want to eat something, but she still wasn't super hungry, so she was sure what, exactly, she wanted. A crepe sounded nice, but seemed like a lot of sugar to her. Maybe some takoyaki? Or some meat skewers? She honestly wasn't sure what she was feeling like.

"Holy shit, taco bell," Mikoto says, immediately drawn to the store front. He's seen it mentioned in so much American media that he knows it even though he's never seen one or eaten at one before. He doesn't even think about Kaiya, doesn't know if she knows he's gone or has followed him or not.

Kaiya hadn't immediately noticed that Mikoto had left her side, but as soon as she did, she looked around for the blond. He wasn't hard to find, of course, and she made her way over to where he was. Seeing the restaurant that had caught his eye, she blinked. "What's 'Taco Bell'?" She asked, then blinked again as the name rang a bell. "Oh! I've seen commercials for this on American TV! I didn't know it was here, though!" Well, obviously since it existed, they had to have something from here, right? "Do you know what you want to get??" She asked her friend, already looking at the menu to see what sounded interesting, but also not ridiculously filling (or stupidly expensive).

"Right??" Mikoto agrees excitedly to Kaiya saying she recognized it too, "I've definitely heard *so many* references to it on TV and stuff - I didn't know we had them in Japan though!" Of course, there's a high likelihood that eating at this Japanese taco bell would not be precisely the same as eating at a real American one, but he's interested enough that it seems more than worth it. "I have no idea what to get, but we have to try something right?"

"Yes!!" Kaiya responded excitedly. "It would be a huge shame if we didn't!" That said, there were a lot of options to choose from. The shrimp and avocado burrito immediately caught her attention because of the shrimp, but she didn't remember that really being a thing on the commercials. She always remembered something about 'make it a supreme', so when she saw 'taco supreme' on the menu, she thought that might have to be what she got. Though, the loaded fries also looked interesting.

Mikoto decides to get tacos, because like, it's TACO bell, right? He doesn't think they look crazy filling (to him) so he gets a set with a drink, the tacos, and upgrades to the loaded fries - not even realizing Kaiya wants them too, and he will absolutely share. They get those little buzzer things that will go off when their food is done, and find a table. And miko is basically singing, "Taco bell~ taco bell~"

Kaiya ordered her taco supreme, figuring she would snag a fry or three from Mikoto, since she didn't think she could finish a full fry supreme of her own. She did add a small soda, though. With her simple order in hand, she followed her friend to a table, giggling along with his sing-song. "Yes~ Taco Bell~" She agreed, settling in a seat, bags stuffed next to her.

I wish to see the reactions of people around them if they realized the beautiful blond girl was buying a whole upgraded combo as a *snack*, but anyone used to Mikoto probably isn't surprised. "I can't wait. And then I'm going to talk to like, all the americans at the Traveller about it~"

That statement brought bright excitement to Kaiya's face. "Ooooh~ Yes! You should!" She agreed, "It smells really good. I hope it tastes really good too~" She said, starting to open up her taco. "Ooooh~ There's so many toppings they're falling out a little!" She commented, a little surprised by that.

"Oh, kind of like the chili burgers," Mikoto replies, pretty used to the chili burger creating a mess while he eats it. In fact, he immediately adopts the same technique with his tacos that he uses with said burger -- eating it over the fries so any lost toppings will just add to the fries~

"Oh true!" Kaiya responded, thinking that was a pretty good comparison. Sadly, with no fries of her own, Kaiya's dropped toppings would just end up on the paper below. This being the case, she tried very hard not to lose anything, or at least nothing too messy. Lettuce and tomatoes were fine, but meat or sauces? Too messy to clean up without a fork or spoon or something.

Mikoto inhales those tacos, clearly enjoying the food. He actually does have a fork for his fries -- and he offers the first forkful to Kaiya. He knows she wants to try them, and this way he can eat the rest without having to remember to save any for her or anything like that.

Kaiya also finished off her taco in about the same time that it took Mikoto to finish his two. When she was offered the first forkful of the loaded fries, she happily accepted. "Ooh~ Oh wow, those are really good!" She commented after finishing her mouthful. "Is it okay if I steal a couple more as you go?" She asked, just meaning grabbing one or two around the edges while Mikoto ate 99% of them.

Mikoto smiles, and agrees, "It's all so good~" he agrees. "Oh yeah, go ahead," Mikoto agrees, although he's not going to be saving any for her so anything she grabs she'll have to secure for herself. He starts digging into the fries.

"Thank you~" Kaiya replied brightly, already understanding that she was on her own to secure any more fries she wanted. While she was enjoying them, though, she didn't want too many. She nabbed one here and there, but mostly just sipped at her drink while Mikoto polished off his fries.

Soon enough, the blond is finished all his food, and starts leisurely sipping his drink, "Mm, that was good~"

"Mhm~ It really was! Maybe we'll have to come back, just for more Taco Bell~ Maybe double date at the Taco Bell~" Kaiya added with a giggle. She was sure Setsuna would enjoy it, just because it was a rarer American food to try.

"Haha, while I liked the idea, we may want to find something else to bring our beaus to in Odaiba, not come literally just for the taco bell," Mikoto suggests. But they were already planning on checking out the environs, so it works out.

"You mean a shopping date with Taco Bell lunch or dinner wouldn't be enough?" Kaiya asked, totally teasing. She was sure Setsuna would be fine with a shopping date, but she wasn't so sure how her brother would hold up.

Mikoto laughs, "Well, it's a bit of a trip, and Keiji-kun doesn't seem like a shop-til-you-drop kinda guy. A little something to give him a break would be nice."

"We'd just have to find you cute and sexy things to try on. I bet he'd be just fine then~" Kaiya teased, though she had to relent and agree, "But yeah, he probably wouldn't love a purely shopping date. Guess we'll have to look for something else to tempt him out here."

Mikoto giggles, "I think he'd rather me just give him a fashion show once I'm done shopping," he admits, that being about the least spicy way he can say that, out of deference to Kaiya.

"Ah... yeah, he'd probably prefer that." Kaiya agreed, not even having to go to spicy thoughts to think this would be true. "Ah well." She added with a shrug, then took another drink of her soda.

"We'll find something fun on this island, I'm sure~" Mikoto replies, just generally being an optimist. Even just a pretty place to relax can take photos would be enough for this group, after all.

Kaiya smiled and nodded enthusiastically, agreeing with Mikoto's thoughts. "I believe it!" She said, then finished off her drink before settling back to let her snack settle, and let Mikoto finish his own drink.

Mikoto contemplates as he sips his drink, then suggests, "Do you wanna stash your stuff in a locker before we wander around?" She doesn't have so many bags that it's a struggle, but it would be easier without.

Kaiya considered that suggestion for a moment. "Mmmm... that's probably not a bad idea." She agreed. Then they could wander unencumbered, and that seemed like the best idea for exploring.

"Lovely~ Mikoto agrees. He also doesn't want to carry this soda around, so he's happy to sit a bit longer until they finish them off. That done, they find some lockers, and finally venture back out of the mall. Into the heat - not full summer moist heat yet, thankfully, but still a warm one, "Oof. It's hot today~"

.... and that prompts the ridiculous sunglasses out.

Knowing how hot and sunny it was out, Kaiya had opted to keep her own new sunglasses with her, as well as her new hat. "It really, really is." She agreed. "Makes going into cool stores nice, though." Plus, it was nice for it to feel like summer while shopping for summery things.

"Oh my god - the hat and the glasses DO look so, so good together!" Mikoto praises instantly, as SOON as he sees the combo. Especially with that fiery hair - it looks like a costuming choice out of a stylish movie.

"Yeah~?" Kaiya asked, flashing a smile and doing a couple little poses. "I'm so glad they work together like we thought they would~" She said, fully intending to take a photo at some point to see for herself. For now, though, she put full faith in her friend's assessment.

There will certainly be photos, knowing the two of them, but they need to find someplace better to take them than the literal entrance of the mall. "Should we walk around or be young people and google shit?"

"We could do both? Look up somewhere we want to go to, then look around on the way?" Kaiya suggested, thinking that there were bound to be interesting places that wouldn't be in the top of the google results, but having a destination would be good in case their finds along the way were kind of underwhelming.

"Hmm, ok," Mikoto replies, and being a true distracted youth, starts walking slowly in one direction while googling things. And immediately finding something perfect for them, "There's a trick photography place!"

Kaiya happily walked along with Mikoto, also starting to look stuff up. She saw something she totally wanted to do with Setsuna, at some point, but she wasn't dressed for it at all: a place doing digital artworks. The issue right now was that you needed to be able to roll your pants up above your knees for the water parts. She definitely wasn't wearing the right things for that. When Mikoto spoke up, she looked over at him. "Oh? That sounds fun!" She enthused, liking the idea of a place like that. After all, they were both picture lovers, and a place like that was basically *just* for taking lots of fun pictures.

"Ok~" Mikoto replies, happy to discover he'd accidentally picked the correct decision to walk in. It looks like a doable walk, and that'll spare Kaiya an extra train ride, and he THINKS his feet will survive so he just continues on as he had been. "Seems like the ferris wheel is currently closed..."

"There's a ferris wheel there?" Kaiya asked, thinking that was a little much, and also weird for a trick photography place, but whatever. "Oh well, I wasn't expecting anything like that, so it being closed is fine~" She added with a smile, then reached out to link her arm with Mikoto's so they could walk along cutely together.

"Oh, not at the photography place - there's a pretty well known big ferris wheel in Odaiba -- but it seems it's down currently," Mikoto replies. Pretty much what he knew of Odaiba was the malls, the ferris wheel and Tokyo Big Sight. He's happy to link arms with Kaiya as they go though.

"Oooooooooh~ I see. Well, that's still okay. It would be cool to go up high and see the whole area, but not doing it won't darken my day." Kaiya assured with a smile. Not getting to do something she hadn't known she could a minute ago meant it wasn't that much of a loss.

Mikoto nods, "I was just thinking about it cuz it's kinda double-date-y?" Since it seems like they're both finding something to do now AND trying to figure out something to do in the future with their boyfriends.

"Oh! That's a great idea!" Kaiya responded brightly. "While we were looking stuff up before, I saw something that looked like it would be a lot of fun for that too. We'd have to dress right for it, though." She said, pulling her phone back out and opening it to show the place she had been looking at to Mikoto while they walked.

The blond leans in to look at what Kaiya had found, "Ohh, yeah! That does look great. But I'm wearing tights and padding right now, so the water is a definite no for me at the moment."

"Yeah, agreed. And these pants aren't gonna roll high enough. They're comfy, but not *that* comfy." Kaiya agreed with a giggle. "Later in the summer I could wear a short skirt with shorts under, or something, and that would work." She wasn't sure about the three men, but she was sure that, if warned, they could all find something. It wasn't like they needed to be dressed to the nines to have fun. And in Setsuna's case, frumpier might actually be better in the not possibly being recognized department.

"Well, something to look forward to~" Mikoto reasons, perfectly happy with that. They look around at the various things in the constructed landscape that is Odaiba as they stroll along.

"Mhm!" Kaiya agreed brightly. Every so often, they found something to stop and look at, but nothing that held the combined attention for long. It was always fun to just walk along and talk about random things with Mikoto, though.

After a bit Mikoto stops, checks the directions on his phone again, takes them over a block, and finally spots the sign, "Aha! here we are!" He's excited to take photos - they'd already wanted to take photos so a palace specifically for fun photos was almost too ideal.

Given that their arms were linked, Kaiya was brought to a stop as well, and she looked over Mikoto's shoulder at the directions with interest. When they found the place they were looking for, she let out a very small, quiet, 'squee~'. "This is going to be so fun~" She said, truly believing it would be so. And even if it was lame, somehow, it would still be awesome because it was the two of them.

"Yup!" Mikoto agrees, terribly amused that he's doing this while all dolled up, but happy with it nevertheless. They head inside together and he pays their collective cover charge.

Kaiya didn't feel too badly about Mikoto paying for them. After all, all the money they'd spent so far was Setsuna's, and Mikoto *had* chosen this activity... anyway, the argument worked for her ingrained guilt where money was involved. With the first set up, though, she could immediately tell this whole thing was going to be a ton of fun. Possibly even moreso because Mikoto was *so* dolled up, and Kaiya was *not*.

"Hmmm, looks like most of the time we'll be take turns to snap photos?" Mikoto replies, although he's sure there'll be selfie opportunities as well.

"Sounds like a good idea~" Kaiya agreed easily. "Maybe we'll find some other people that we can take turns taking photos for too." She suggested, thinking that might be a possibility. And if not? Oh well. She did take photos of Mikoto at the first area, though, then switched places so she could have her photo taken too, having lots of fun with the poses.

Being pretty people who love take photos, they spend quite a long time playing in the photo scenes, taking a million photos - both the intended, recommended photos, and stuff playing around. Mikoto feels like they really got their money worth out of the experience -- and by the time they're done, he actually feels pretty tired, "Aa~ I wanna sit down~"

By the time they were done, Kaiya was almost tired of posing for photos, which was really something. "Agreed. Soooo agreed." She replied to her friend's desire. "Cafe? Or actual food? Or just, like, a park somewhere?" She asked, though she wasn't sure where they might find a park with benches to sit down around here.

"Whichever we find first," Mikoto replies, although he does stop by a convenience store to get a drink since that seems very necessary.

Kaiya nodded at that decision, and began immediately watching for somewhere for them to sit down. "Is a Starbucks okay? Or are we looking for something cuter than that?" She asked, not having spotted one yet, but knowing they were pretty common.

"Hmm, I think Starbucks is fine," Mikoto replies. He doesn't get cute cafe vibes like Shibuya or Harajuku so it might be more effort than it's worth to find someplace special. Also, wifi means he can distract Keiji by sending the model a million photos~

"Okay~" Kaiya responded, keeping her eyes open for any cafe around. And, as fate would have it, up ahead there *was* a Starbucks. "Ooooh~ Look at that!" She announced, pointing out the obvious green sign.

"Hurray~ Count on Tokyo to have a staba every 50 metres," Mikoto replies, genuinely not even that surprised that they found one so fast. They head on in, and Mikoto joins the line. "Do you know what you want? Cuz I can order while you find us a table?"

Kaiya giggled at that, but headed right in after Mikoto. The question about drink had her thinking for a second. "Mmmmm.... maybe the strawberry citrus frappuccino?" She responded, happy to leave the drink getting to her friend, and going to find them a table.

"Ok~" Mikoto agrees easily. He gets Kaiya's drink, something ungodly sweet for himself, and then buys them some snacks because while Kaiya hadn't mentioned anything, he personally really liked starbucks's baked goods.

Thankfully, it didn't take Kaiya long to find them a table, so she was waiting for Mikoto when he arrived with their drinks and treats. "Ooooh~ what tasty things did you get for us~?" She asked, not having thought about treats at all.

"Whatever these donut-y balls are. They're banana and caramel? And a matcha and white chocolate scone~" Mikoto replies, pointing at things. He'd felt the little mocchi inspired donuts balls would be easy to share.

"Oooh~ sounds interesting~" Kaiya enthused, then took her drink and took a sip. "Mmmmmmm~" She hummed happily. "I hope they have these all summer~ If they do, I'm going to get soooo many of them~" Yes, after one sip, she was hooked.

"I think they usually have different seasonal stuff each month, don't they?" Mikoto asks, pretty sure about that. But that would at least give her a month to enjoy her fill. He takes one of the caramel donut balls to try right away.

"Yeah..... but I can wish, right?" Kaiya agreed, taking another sip of her drink, then reaching out to try one of the little donuts too. "Oh! That is so tasty~" She said, with some surprise. The amount of sweet in the treats did make her next sip of her drink a little more sour, but still not unpleasant.

The blond smiles, "Of course," Never one to ruin a delusional fantasy. And it would always be amazing to keep ones favourite limited time items, but that's not just how things work out. He smiles, glad she likes it, "Right?"

Kaiya just smiled as she enjoyed the little donut, then asked, "So, what did you end up getting to drink?"

"Crunchy almond chocolate frap~" Mikoto replies, and honestly that phrase is enough to make most mortals worry about gaining weight, but not the blond.

While it did sound incredibly calorie heavy, Kaiya's confused blink had far more to do with the description. "Crunchy?" She asked, trying to understand how that would work with a drink.

"Wanna try?" Mikoto asks, having no qualms about sharing saliva with his adopted little sister, and he's already holding the drink out,

"Yes please~" Kaiya agreed, reaching out to accept the drink. She took a sip, not quite sure what she was going to taste, then her eyes widened in surprised delight. "Mmmmm~ That's good! Really sweet, but nice with the almond bits~ Want to try mine?" She asked, holding her strawberry citrus drink out in return.

Mikoto watches her try his drink with a smile, and is utterly unsurprised at her returning the offer, "Sure!" He takes a sip, and has to admit, "Shit that is really good."

"Right???" Kaiya responded excitedly. "It should definitely stay all summer. Or we need to find a recipe for it." She added, realizing this might be a more reasonable ask.

"I don't think they give out recipes~ But maybe Setsuna could come up with something similar?" Clearly being a chef is a super power, right?

"Oh, I didn't think they'd give out recipes, but I thought maybe someone online would create one. But~~ Having Setsuna-kun try making one would be even better~ Would mean we'd have to go out and get another sometime so he could try it to flavour match~" Kaiya added, not seeing this as a hardship at all.

Mikoto giggles, "Oh, like you weren't planning on getting another one anyways. Take him out to a starbucks date; he won't even question it."

"Oh, I was definitely going to get another sometime~" Kaiya agreed. "I think it'll have to be a takeout date, though." She responded to the idea of a Starbucks date. After all, until she was 'officially 18', they had to be careful of being seen out together.

"Oh yeah, that's right... so surprise him at work with some drinks then!" Mikoto agrees, easily latching on. While he totally understands the situation (and has somehow escaped blame despite the whole situation being 100% his fault), he'd also kind of forgotten about it. "You don't have to wait that much longer though!"

Although yes, definitely longer than this monthly drink would last.

"Now *that* sounds like a great idea~" Kaiya agreed, bright, happy smile returning immediately. The fact was, even though there were obstacles to their relationship, Kaiya knew that she didn't want to give it up, and evidence had shown that Setsuna felt the same way. How could either of them blame Mikoto for starting a relationship that felt this strong? "Yeah, not much longer. Just... too long for this drink." She agreed, mirroring her friend's thoughts.

Mikoto, in his defense, hadn't known Setsuna would go and join a very public band! Otherwise this wouldn't've been such a big deal. "I mean... it's worked out in a weird way, right? You like your new school..."

That reminder that her entry into the new arts high school had been a result of all this craziness made Kaiya blush a bit, and she took a sip of her drink to cover it up. "...Yeah, I really do. It's so much better than my old school." She agreed.

"And you've been making a few more friends, ne?" Mikoto adds - and friends closer to her age for a change. And art school students are less thrown by someone with a non-standard appearance or style, as well.

"Mhm!" Kaiya responded, less embarrassed by the conversation turning to the new people she had met at her new school. Truly, there were a lot more people that thought more similarly to her there. And she hadn't had a single one of the girls asking about her love life, and certainly not her sex life, so that was much better to her. In fact, they were far more interested in her sketches and designs, and in sharing their own artistic ventures. And there were a few guys in the group too, which was fairly novel to her, in a school setting. "There are so many fun and cool people at this school! And since everyone is doing artistic stuff, everyone's always interested in what everyone else is doing~" She enthused aloud.

"Sounds like a lot of fun," Mikoto replies, quite earnestly. Lord knows he hadn't had a fun time at public school either -- something they kind of share, especially as halfies. The conversation naturally turns to them talking about Kaiya's school friends as they enjoy their drinks and snacks.

The animated way that Kaiya spoke about the new people she'd met at her new school would be clue enough that she was much happier now, but she also had a bunch of stories, ranging from cute to funny, about several people that were quickly becoming friends. Eventually the treats were gone, though, and their drinks were slowly disappearing. "So~ Now you've heard all about how I've been~ How are things with the girls at work?"

Given Kaiya nearly entirely not talking about students from her previous school - well he knows the situation that had caused her to move schools maybe wasn't the best but it seems like the result has been overwhelmingly positive. He eats, drinks, sends Keiji a bunch of cute pictures they'd taken at the meme photo place. Then, as is very much traditional, he gets into the ridiculously dramatic drama of the girls at work. Somehow, despite being a drama queen gossip, Mikoto is rarely actually involved in the drama.

Kaiya listened with unmasked delight to the gossip and drama, asking questions every so often about one or two of Mikoto's coworkers that she was really invested in the stories of. She wasn't too surprised that her friend wasn't usually part of the stories he was telling. She knew he was way more excited to gather up *other people's* drama and gossip than be the topic of it (or, at least, that was her experience with Mikoto's gossip talk).

Mikoto is honestly more likely to comfort someone or give advice than actually start a fight. He's had more than enough of actual fighting and emotional hardship to really sit around putting it out into the world. He takes a sip of his drink, although it failed and no actual liquid made it into his mouth. "Oh... I'm out."

Mikoto's surprised comment made Kaiya giggle a bit, "I'm pretty much out too." She admitted, the dregs of her drink being almost impossible to pull up with her straw now. "Guess that means that snack and gossip time is over for now..." She added with a slightly regretful sigh.

"Mmm, I guess so. Do we head out and explore Odaiba some more then?" he asks, definitely taking a moment to sent another annoying message to Keiji, even though he knows FULL WELL his boyfriend is busy and won't respond for a long time.

"Sure!" Kaiya confirmed, thinking that was a fine idea. After all, they had no idea what they might find, and if they didn't find anything fun after all, there was no harm. They could always head home whenever they wanted. Noticing Mikoto sending another text, and the cute look on the blond's face, Kaiya giggled. "How many texts have you sent him?!" She asked, wondering just how much her friend had blown up her brother's phone while he was working.

"A looooot," Mikoto admits, with an attempt at a giggle that turns into an actual laugh as he scrolls back and he sees exactly how much he'd sent, "Oh my god, I'm so annoying..." He does not seem serious or down with that second comment, so no worries there. He stands up, picks up his purse, and brings his tray back up to the counter.

Kaiya leaned forward a little to get a peak at the number of texts scrolling past, even if she had zero interest in actually *reading* what Mikoto was sending to Keiji. "Oh wow.... that *is* a lot. You really *did* blow up his phone!" She exclaimed, a laugh already starting as she talked. She followed her friend to the counter, though, so that they could leave together. "Are we continuing the same way we were going?" She asked, once they were outside.

Mikoto holds his peace as they drop off their things, because it's Japan and you don't talk in certain situations. Once they're outside, he nods to the question about which way they're going. Odaiba is like an island, right? So they can just go around, as long as they want to. As for the one thing, he admits, "I am a needy disaster, I guess."

With that affirmative, Kaiya started walking in their original direction again. "I wouldn't say 'needy disaster'." She responded, thoughtfully. "I think it's kinda normal? I know I've blown up Setsuna-kun's phone a bunch of times. And when he was away at Christmas time, he sent me lots, and lots, and lots of pictures. When you like someone, you just do stuff like that, right?" She said, smiling at her friend.

"If you say so," Mikoto replies, definitely feeling like it's an area in life where he's pretty shaky on what would be considered normal or not -- although at least he wasn't fretting about it. Keiji had never complained before, and he trusted his lover to tell him if it's a problem.

Kaiya just shrugged at that. "I mean, this is my first relationship, so I dunno if I'm right, but Setsuna-kun hasn't complained yet, or said it was too much, or anything, so I assume it's normal?" The fact that neither man who *had* had a decent number of relationships was telling either of them that it was a problem, probably meant that it wasn't.

"Keiji-kun also hasn't said anything negative about it, so... yeah, I guess it's fine," the blond agrees. Whether it's normal or not, *their* boys seem into it, and that's what really makes it fine. "This is a pretty nice day for a walk." It's definitely summery, but that blanket of humidity hasn't hit yet, so it mostly just feels nice.

"Exactly!" Kaiya agreed. And the fact that Keiji hadn't complained to her, nor had Setsuna mentioned anything to Mikoto, definitely meant it was all good, right? She was distracted by Mikoto commenting on the weather, though. "Mhm! The perfect kind of day to buy beach things and wander around Odaiba~" She agreed. Sure, it was sad that she was dressed so casually, but her new hat and sunglasses were classing her up enough that she felt fine with her look next to Mikoto looking as amazing as he did.

"Yes, it's like. the first real beachy, summery day," Although actually too early in Japanese terms to go to the beach. But time to bust out the 'song of summer' and stuff like that. Mikoto slips on his own new sunnies as they're walking down the street, and he actually notices them catch some looks from a car full of young men driving by, which always makes him feel good. "Ooh, there's an oceanside park by the Fuji TV building," Mikoto notes, based on some signage that he can now kind of read which gives him a moment of literate joy as well. "Let's stroll along there~" He wouldn't mind slipping off his shoes and strolling through some hot sand.

"Mhm~" Kaiya agreed brightly, thinking the weather was just about perfect. Feeling that she wasn't looking cute enough at all that day, and not used to her new frame at all yet, she figured that the guys gawping from the car were all for her very pretty, blond 'sister', and she didn't begrudge him a single one of those looks. Mikoto was looking damn good today~ "Oooooh~ That sounds nice! Let's do that!" She agreed immediately and happily.

Mikoto had immediately assumed the looks were for both of them, but doesn't know that Kaiya's opinion differs. "Then it's agreed!" Mikoto declares happily. He follows the signs to the park, finding there to be both a park with a walking/biking path, and actual beach front with sand. He finds a spot to plop down his purse (with no fear of it going missing, since this is Japan), pulls off his expensive, gorgeous shoes and puts them down on the grass too, then checks to see if Kaiya's ready before heading out into the sand.

Kaiya giggled, slipped her footwear off as well, then headed out onto the sand with her friend. "Ooooh~ This feels so nice! But so weird!" She exclaimed, this being the first time she'd walked barefoot in the sand. The way it shifted under her feet, and squished up between her toes was so novel and interesting for her.

"Weird?" he asks, before cluing in. She hadn't just not gone swimming before, but literally not been to a beach. That's a bit of a shame, since a walk along the sand like this is free (minus whatever cost to get to the place). He smiles back at her, and suggests, "Wanna go dip our toes into the ocean~?"

"Yeah! Weird! Like.... I dunno how to describe it." Kaiya continued, really not knowing what to say about the feel of the sand. The next question, though, got a delighted gasp from the redhead. "Can we~?" She asked, eyes wide and excited.

"There is, literally, nothing stopping us," Mikoto replies, gesturing at the beach. There are other people strolling in the sand, a few getting their feet wet. A toddler playing in the water while their parents watch. Japan is kind of weird, having a defined 'swimming season' so most people aren't going to swim yet even though it's honestly hot enough, but you COULD and nobody would stop you or anything.

Kaiya giggled at that and took a look at what the other people on the beach were doing. It really did seem like it was okay. "Okay! Let's do it!" She responded with even more excitement before grabbing Mikoto's hand and heading toward the surf. When her toes touched the wet sand where the water had recently receded she was struck with how different the wet sand felt versus the dry sand. But, she wasn't allowed to consider that for too long as the next wave came up to douse her feet with the warm, shallow edges of the incoming wave. "Oh!" She exclaimed with surprised delight at the feel of the water.

The blond is happily swept away by Kaiya's new enthusiasm for this idea, going along with her as she draws him over to the water. It's fun getting to see her world opening up like this, and he's glad to be a part of it. "Wanna see if we can find some shells?" he suggests as a further activity.

"Yes~" Kaiya responded, looking over at the blond, suddenly realizing that he was shorter than her. They were almost always in heels of some kind, that or sitting down, so she hadn't really noticed the moment that she'd become significantly taller than Mikoto. That is, until now. She blinked, then smiled again. "Can we find, like, big shells? Or conch shells? Or just small shells?" She asked, not sure what she should be watching out for while they looked.

"It's usually just small shells, or driftwood? We'd have to be pretty lucky to find something bigger, but it could happen," Mikoto replies. He takes his hand back, just so they can spread out slightly more for their search, happily wading through shallow waves to look for treasures. He hadn't noticed his 'little' sister's moment of size realization.

"Oooh~ Small shells are neat too! People make, like, jewelry out of them sometimes, right?" Kaiya asked, thinking that she was right that this was a thing. At least, she didn't think that shell jewelry was all fake (though some of it surely had to be). Looking around for shells, though, Kaiya was honesely more interested in the way the water went in and out over her feet, and the feel of sinking into the wet sand beneath her feet than diligently searching for shells, of jewelry quality or not. Though, she did find a few pretty pink and white shells along the way.

"People do," Mikoto agrees, although he thinks the easiest way to work with the shells would require some tools that neither of them have. He's not sure that she's actually, seriously interested in trying it. The blond is pretty picky about what he choses, though he finds a shell that's mostly white but with a couple dull, purple stripes and a grey stripe, which just seems very aesthetic to him, so he picks that one up.

Kaiya had zero intention of making jewelry herself. She knew just enough about the craft to know that it was difficult and that she didn't even know where to start. No, she was just curious if shell jewelry was a real thing, and knowing it was... well, she might be interested in picking up a neat shell with a well-placed hole for a pendant or something, but otherwise she was just picking up anything pretty she saw while playing in the surf (like a child, honestly). She was delighting in kicking up little bits of water at the moment, not unlike the toddler not so far away.

Mikoto tires of the activity long before Kaiya, obviously, but he does his best not to make it obvious. He kind of watches her out of the corner of his eye, looks at other people on the beach, stares out at the surf, takes the inevitable selfie.

Kaiya also, eventually, stopped to take a selfie herself, curls fluttering lightly in the ocean breeze under her hat, the ocean itself spread out behind her, and sent the photo to her boyfriend with the caption, "looking forward to going to the ocean with you~" Having gotten her first taste of the beach, she was definitely looking forward to the rest of the summer~

Mikoto enjoys Kaiya taking a selfie too. He doesn't see the shot, but is sure it looks gorgeous as Kaiya's current accessories look really lovely. "Ready to head back?" He asks. Now, he knows they're about to have some mild unpleasantness with the sand sticking to their feet as they head back to their stuff, but that's part of the experience and he sees no need to warn his little sister.

"Hmm?" Kaiya responded, looking over at her 'sister', then responded with a bright "Okay!" before moving away from the surf. When she hit the dry sand, though, she made a face at the feeling of the sand clinging to her wet feet. "Oh! I don't like *that* feeling..." She said, though she wasn't sure if it was a deal breaker for playing in the water at the beach.

The blond giggles, having been in a spot to make sure he *saw* her first, authentic reaction to it, and agrees, "Yup, this is the worst part of going to the beach - and also why I put our stuff on the grass." He leads the way back to their stuff, and explains, "If we can sit for a while and let it dry a bit, it'll come off easier, and we can also use the grass like a brush to try to wipe it off. But there'll almost certainly be some in our shoes no matter what we do."
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