The lights are still on at home. Someone left the oven on.

Aug 01, 2008 16:45

As they argued about whether it was her lips or her eyes that made her so damn beautiful that she realized... she realized what?

Momcat is pregnant again. I have found a vet to take care of her ASAP after the kitties are born. She's in that cranky moody stage. She hissed at baby kitty.

We have just met our neighbour, who is moving away this weekend. He says he'll be back to visit our other neighbour... and I imagine that's true.

I feel jaded again, but I don't feel helpless anymore.

And I found a home for Sammy if I want to get rid of him. Not yet.

"I propose a steak. To all those who came before and all those that will conquer in the future. So raise your forks and remember who you can become if only you are willing to inconvenience others."

calgary, animals

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