May 01, 2006 22:44
schoools gayy
i have been slacking
i have missed 18 days so far this year
they want me to go to summer school but there is know way that willl happen.
i cant wait for the weekend.
grad pictures this friday
last lax game May 22nd i am kinda happy but then again sad.
i love my team this year we all get along.
theres like 35 days left of school or something crazy.
i saw shaun and melissa on sunday i havnt seeen either of them in weeks
i cant wait to see Koen in June
friday night i had a fire it was good hung out with dylan most of the time.
saturday went to Allentown hung out with dylan.
this was worthless but i was bored and had to stay up till 11
i will post picture soon.