Jul 13, 2008 09:41
Two days ago was my dad's birthday. Work gave me two days off in a row..sunday and monday...so here i be in Austin! YES
My aunt is here from California. She brought grandpa with her. He has dimentia/alstimers (sp?). He actually has moved in with my family. He didn't really recognize me this morning. Makes me sad. This is the first time in my life that he didn't get it. I went to go hug him because he always is SO warm to me and reaches out for a hug and kisses me and tells me how much he loves me...but this time he started backing away. It was sad. It was hard for me. So, I went and told mom and dad. Mom came downstairs and told Grandpa I was here to visit and asked him if he saw me. He said that he did but he got nervous and embarassed because he realized that it was me he didn't recognize. He is pretty scared. He can't figure anything out anymore but wants to so bad and it brings him really really down. I am uneasy around him but I need to just ignore it and reach out to him because he needs for his family to make him feel as comfortable as possible. If he senses that one of us in uncomfortable..it makes him uncomfortable. SAD
Well, off to church. AUSTIN STONE BAAAYBEEHH. oh how i have missed it. can't wait!!!
Peace and love to you all