Dramas and movies based on true life stories always hit a mark on me, because as you are watching, you realise that these events happened in someone's life, events that make that person's life story a story worth sharing with the rest of the world. Sometimes these stories make you think, make you sad, make you appreciate the ones around you, it might even make you appreciate yourself and what you have. It's easy to watch a drama or movie which is totally fictional (because all those exaggerated plots, weird coincidences with the totally wrong music playing in the background) and just write them off because it is spurned from a person's imagination.
Most movies and dramas have characters that are based on real life persons which makes these character more believable and complex because of course no one is simply what they seem, never either white or black but a multitude of colors and complexity. I am also fascinated by movies or dramas which are based on autobiography, this makes the person's story much larger than life with of course the added elements to inject a bit of the WOW factor and casting really good looking attractive actors in them gives it the extra boost.
Although this may sound really random, I am a fan of Clint Eastwood's movies but didn't watch Changeling because ... yes that's right, it was based on a true story. As a mother, just reading the synopsis for the movie gave me the shivers - because this truly happened. A child lost, a different on returns, a mother convicted for insanity (as though a mother would not recognise her own child) , regained her freedom but her child remains lost. Even casting Angelina Jolie in it didn't make me want to see it. On the other hand, I watched without hesitation Finding Neverland because it was loosely based on events of JM Barrie's life and tried to show what had inspired him to create the boy who never grew up, stuck in Neverland. Of course this was more of an assumption but the plot isn't a scary one but one of inspiration and escapism.
This is really going to add to more randomness - Eita is starring in a movie based on a true story of a woman played by Eikura Nana who lost her life to breast cancer, she was just 24. Eita plays her boyfriend and later husband as he walks with her during the remaining course of her life. I expect there will be a lot of tears but I may try to catch it (on DVD of course). Will watch to see how Eita displays despair and gentleness.
The PV for the Movie by Juju Ft Jayed
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Doushite? Doushite?
Okay, am having Eita fever.. Kaji Daiki withdrawal symptoms... Haha..