TVXQ? Yes, for 5! but not for 2 or 3!

Oct 18, 2010 01:07

So apparently Homin will have their comeback next month.

And evenIf some peoople won´t believe me now. Yes I´m happy about it. After all their a part of DongBangShinKi.
The band I spend most all of my free time for/with.
Of course I´m happy to see them on stage again.

But WTF? using the name of TVXQ? The name that´s reserved for 5 ? For the Rising Gods of the East?!
That´s just too much.
If it´s true...we all know who´s behind that...
okay, maybe Homin want to give a sign...something like ....."we´re still here. the gods still live" or something...
but...I don´t really care. TVXQ is DongBangShinKi, meaning the five of them and nothing else!

But the thing and pisses me of the most is this part

Regarding their fans’ increasing concerns over the clearer 3:2 divide, a representative revealed, “The friendship between the five has never changed. They may be walking separate paths, but now is the time that they need their fans’ support more than ever.”

So, all of a sudden YOU tell us that everything is alright? Why, when they were the ones who always wanted us to believe that there´s a good and a bad side?
That´s kind of ridiculous....
MY ONLY WISH (FOR THE PAST YEAR) has always been that everything will be good again. That they (meaning the five of them) never fought in the first place. They´re a family after all!

But one can´t help but wonder, why now of all times?.


And don´t try to tell me, I am too biased to judge this.
Yes, I am more than happy with JYj´s current activities. but they use a new name, not something that is meant for something different.
To be honest, all I wish for is something like ...
Homin using the name CY, make an album, do a promotion tour then re-unite with JYJ, form JYJCY, produce an album together
and then, when they stand together on stage again, they´ll shout


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