OOC: Log!

Oct 25, 2008 22:03

OOC: LOG - Nami, Zoro and Chopper

All the Straw Hat's are injured but Nami, Zoro and Chopper take it upon themselves to do the shopping. ...Nami and Zoro act really mature and Chooper is...cute? IDEK! Rated B for the fact that we were just very bored.

Nami: *is hobbling along the deck as well as she can with the crutches Franky made up for her* Chopper! Zoro! Are you two ready yet?! *fumbles with her crutch*

Chopper: *appears next to her* YOSH!! I'M READY!! I'LL SHOP LIKE A MAN!!

Zoro: *napping on deck* *peeks and eye open at Nami and grumbles under his breath* Why the hell do I need to go in the first place.

Nami: *glares across the deck as she gets readjusted*

Chopper: *goes up to Zoro and tugs on his shirt sleeve* BECAUSE YOU HAVE TO CARRY ALL THE GROCERIES!! C'MON!! GET UP!

Zoro: *turns his head slightly and glares at Chopper* *can't say no to Chopper. ever.* *grunts and groans as he stands, sounding like an old man* Fine.

Nami: *wasn't going to let him get out of it anyway* You're damn right fine. *hobbles over towards the railing and peers over* Uhm...

Chopper: Hooray!! *climbs onto Zoro's shoulders happily* ...What's wrong, Nami??

Nami: *looks over to see Zoro's ugly mug before looking up at Chopper* How 'm I gonna get down?

Zoro: Jump. *promptly vaults over the side and onto the dock* *only like 30 ft below*


Nami: *blink blink* What are you CRAZY?! I'm not gonna JUMP!

Zoro: Oi oi! Get off. Watch the stitches, dumbass. *whacks Chopper on the head*

Nami: *glares at him and yells down* I'M NOT JUMPING YOU LUNATIC! AND STOP HITTING CHOPPER!

Chopper: NEXT TIME GIVE ME WARNING YOU MORON! *jumps down* *looks up at Nami* umm...maybe ask someone else to help you down?? MAYBE USE A ROPE!

Zoro: *smug laugh* Yeah, haven't seen your rope swinging skills since skypeia. *crosses his arms*

Nami: *grinding her teeth* Don't be such a smug jerk and HELP ME!

Chopper: *looks at Zoro* Maybe you should go up and jump with her down too!

Zoro: ... *facepalm* Fine. *climbs back up to the deck using a rope ladder* *stares at Nami* ...now what.

Nami: *stares back with a shrug* ....I don't know.

Chopper: Zoro, you have to pick Nami up and jump with her!

Nami: *gawks down at Chopper* ...wha?

Zoro: *looks from Nami to Chopper and back to Nami* *shrugs and in one swift movement picks up Nami by her waist, tossing the crutches to Chopper* Catch. *resists making the Tarzan noise as he jumps down with Nami*

Nami: *fights and struggles, naturally* *yelps a bit on the way down*

Chopper: *transforms into heavy point and catches them just in time* WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT WARNING PEOPLE!!

Zoro: Cook would be jealous. *snickers, taking the crutches back from Chopper, giving them to Nami, and placing her down*

Nami: *was clung to him for a moment there before proceeding to whack him with her crutches* Let's try NOT to give me a heart attack next time, OK?! *huffs and places her crutches under her arms*

Chopper: Oh no!! You're having a heart attack?? DON'T WORRY NAMI!! I'M HERE!! *whips out his stethoscope and proceeds to attempt to listen to her heart*

Zoro: Fuckin-- *rubs his head* Dammit, I just got rid of that headache, too!

Nami: *is trying to hobble towards town* I'm fine, Chopper. It was just an expression.

Chopper: Ohhh. okay. *watches Nami hobble and Zoro rub his head*...ARE BOTH OF YOU SURE YOU'RE UP FOR THIS?

Zoro: 'm fine. *huffs* Better than the cook goin. *follows after Nami at a healthy distance behind*

Nami: 'm fine.

Chopper: Okay, good! *transforms into walk point and trots alongside Nami*

Zoro: Che. *puts his hands in his pockets, trying the "I'm not with them" look*

Nami: Now, we need to find the market. Sanji-kun gave me a list. *looks down the first few streets they pass*

Chopper: YOSH! NO PROBLEM! I'll smell it with my nose!! *sniffs around*

Zoro: *his tactic works out a little too well as he turns down some random avenue*

Chopper: *feels that something is wrong and looks behind them* Oh no!! Where's Zoro?? ZORO!!!!!

Nami: Oh, good point. We should be able to fin-- what? *turns around to see no one behind them* ....wonderful.

Zoro: *wanders into a sword shop*

Nami: Sniff him out, Chopper. I wouldn't care so much if I didn't need him to carry things.

Chopper: *runs back, using nose powers to search for ZORO* This way, Nami!! *turns onto the same avenue Zoro did* He should be here somewhere!

Zoro: *remembers he’s supposed to be carrying shit* *leaves the store and tries to go back in the direction he came, but goes the completely wrong direction instead*

Nami: *struggles to keep up as he's running and she can't* Ah-- Chopper! WAIT UP!

Chopper: *just got to the sword shop* Aha! *hears Nami and stops* Oops, Sorry Nami! *goes back to her and walks with her* I found a sword shop!

Nami: Was he in there?

Zoro: *looks up at the places around him...realizing he’s not in where he was when he started but now in the red light district* Ah shit.

Chopper: I didn't get a chance to see! *is frustrated because Nami can't go very fast and Zoro could be anywhere* ;__; ZORO!! COME BACK!! *yells so that the entire street can hear*

Nami: ...!!!!! *covers her ears* *has to yell back so he can hear her* IT'S OK CHOPPER! WE'LL FIND HIM!!! *looks around to see that she's getting all the weird looks now* ...ahaha...

Chopper: Here's the sword shop! *ducks in, sniffs and looks around, and comes back out* He's not there! I think he was there before though! So we're on the right track!

Nami: *still sheepishly rubbing the back of her neck at all the onlookers* Lost someone...ahaha... *looks down at Chopper* Let's get out of here, please.

Zoro: *turns around, figuring the best way to get back is the way he came* *thinks he hears Nami down some random alley and turns that way*

Random Red Light District Whore #1: *spots her next victim and blocks his way out* Hey there, handsome.

Chopper: *totally oblivious to onlookers* But where can we go?? Zoro is getting further and further away as we speak!

Nami: Chopper... *sounds almost threatening* Make like the toucan and follow your nose.

Zoro: *ignores her possible intentions* Which way to the docks?

Chopper: But you can't go that fast! *DESPAIRS*

Random Red Light District Whore #1: *gives a small laugh before closing in on him* Why in such a hurry? The fun starts here.

Nami: Well I'm sorry. I know he hasn't taken a shower in at least three days so it's not like his scent is going anywhere...

Chopper: Okay!! He's this way, Nami! *sets out determinedly, smelling his way through the crowd*

Nami: *hobbles as fast as she can after him*

Zoro: ... *blinks* Yeah. Anyways. Dock.

Random Red Light District Whore #1: *pouts* Now what fun can you have at the docks that you can't have here?

Random Red Light District Whore #2: *appears* Hey tough guy. Where are YOU goin? *puts her arm around him and bats eyelashes*

Nami: *stops suddenly and shudders*

Zoro: Look I don't have any money and I aint-- *disturbed now that someone is touching him, bristles* I aint interested. *pulls away from whore #2*

Chopper: *turns around* What's wrong, Nami??

Nami: I sense someone disgracing womankind nearby...

Random Red Light District Whore #1: Don't be shy, handsome. My friend and I here only want to have a little fun.

Random Red Light District Whore #2: Yeah. Fun. We can show you more fun than you could ever imagine.

Chopper: We're getting closer, Nami!! *looks around* I...I don't like this neighborhood...I hope Zoro's okay!!!

Zoro: *clearly annoyed, twitching slightly* Aint no kind of fun you could give me unless you were a dumbass blond cook. Now I'm gonna ask one more time, where’s the fucking dock.

Nami: *doesn't realize where they've wandered to* Ugh, I don't need your nose to know that this place reeks of sex and booze. He's probably here...somewhere.

Chopper: *turns down an alley, running now* ZORO!! CAN YOU HEAR ME!! ZOOO-ROOOO!!

Random Red Light District Whore #1: A dumbass blond cook? Well, hey baby, if that's what you're into. *Pulls out a blonde wig from places best not described and puts it on* How about now?

Nami: Ack! *makes to run after him but figures "WHY EVEN BOTHER"* ...I knew this was a bad idea...

Zoro: You got a dick hiding in there too? Che. *starts to walk away*

Random Red Light District Whore #1: I've got some interesting toys back in my room if that's the way you wanna pla-- Hey where are you going?!

Zoro: Not interested in toys or women, try the next sucker. *waves over his shoulder, hoping hes now going in the right direction*

Chopper: *runs and continues to yell* ZORO!!! *turns down an alley* *sees three figures* ZORO??

Random Red Light District Whore #1: Well then... *scoffs and conveniently forgets to tell him that the docks are in the opposite direction*

Zoro: *ears twitch, stops in his tracks* Chopper?

Random Red Light District Whore #2: *pouts and smokes* All the cute ones turn out to be gay. *sees something up ahead*...What's that?

Nami: *makes herself comfortable on a bench beside a building, crutches propped up beside her*

Random Red Light District Whore #1: *looks ahead* Some sort of mutant dog?

Chopper: ZORO!! *runs up to him, crying, and turns into brain point to jump into his arms* ZORO I FOUND YOU!! *looks at the whores* ...Who are they??

Random Red Light District Whore #1: ....or he can be a raccoon. O.O

Zoro: *catches Chopper* Some idiots. Lets go. Bye ladies.

Random Red Light District Whore #1: *scoffs and walks away*

Random Red Light District Whore #2: *walks away with her after one last glare*

Chopper: They didn't look very nice!! But let's go find Nami!! She's that way! *points*

Nami: *is busy whacking at dirty old men and whore house owners aiming to recruit her* Back! BACK!!

Zoro: She wasn't. *follows the direction Chopper points in*

Nami: *wraps her fingers around cool blue steel dangerously* You sons of bitches are asking for it....

Zoro: *walks up with Chopper* *always drawn to a crowd* Well well, whats going on here? *asks loudly and commandingly*

Chopper: NAMI!! ARE YOU OKAY??

Nami: *...too late...* *calls out as a little yellow ball of electricity goes floating towards a single black cloud* ZORO! CHOPPER! RUN!

Chopper: *wacks Zoro's arm* RUN, ZORO!!

Nami: *has already hit the deck*

Zoro: Hm? *looks up at the cloud*



Nami: *is a few feet away, head on the ground with her hands covering her and her butt in the air*

Zoro: *burnt to a crisp*

Nami: *waits for the screaming to stop before peeking over her shoulder* ..... *blink blink* ...ah--

Chopper: Well...at least we...found Nami...*is really dizzy and nearly faints*

Nami: *limps over as fast as she can through all the riff raff* *finally gets to them* I'm sorry Chopper!

Zoro: *shakes his head from side to side trying to clear his head again from the shock* Jeez woman.

Chopper: It's okay, Nami!! *smiles weakly*

Nami: *helps Chopper up and looks up at Zoro* I TOLD you to run...

Zoro: Didn't think you'd resort to THAT! *runs a hand through what’s left of his half singed, half shaven due to stitches hair*

Nami: They were getting grabby. I had to defend myself.

Chopper: I'm sorry for leaving you alone, Nami!!

Nami: You had to find this idiot. It's o-- *attempts to give him a pat pat only to get shocked* ack!

Chopper: *glares at Zoro* YOU SHOULDN'T HAVE WANDERED OFF!

Zoro: It wasn't my fault! *looks around at the victims lying on the ground twitching* Least it was effective.

Nami: *picks up her crutches* Of course it was. Now -- *places them under her arms* We have some shopping to do.


Zoro: Alright alright. How do we get out of here. *sighs*

Nami: Straight ahead. Chopper, you get on his shoulders and stay there to make sure he doesn't wander off again.

Chopper: Okay!! *climbs onto Zoro's shoulders happily* Let's go!!

Nami: *gives Chopper a nod and leads the way*

Zoro: ... *follows* What are we getting anyways.

Nami: We need to get things like fruit and veggies, milk and eggs. Things that don't have a long shelf life.

Chopper: Can we get candy?? PLEASE??

Zoro: ...meat?

Nami: I could spare a little for something for you Chopper. And yes. Meat too.

Nami: *reaches the end of the street and turns left*

Chopper: HOORAY!! *bangs on Zoro's head like it's a drum*

Zoro: Oi. Head injury, dumbass. Aren't you a doctor?! *swats at Chopper's hooves*

Nami: *makes sure to grab Zoro's elbow so he doesn't turn the wrong way*

Chopper: *stops banging* Did that hurt?! *worried*

Zoro: Idiot. *clears his throat* I think we need more pecans, too.

Chopper: I'm not an idiot!

Nami: Hm? Pecans? *stops for a moment to look at her list* That's not on here...

Zoro: Well we need them. *doesn't stop walking*

Nami: For what? *speeds up to catch up to him*

Zoro: Pecan pie.

Nami: Oh. Well that sounds good.


Nami: *looks up at Chopper* You think Zoro can BAKE?!

Zoro: I've made it before! *indignant* ...kind of.

Nami: *lifts an eyebrow* You have?

Zoro: ...I helped?



Zoro: Nami didn't even eat it.

Nami: Yes I did!

Nami: ...kinda

Chopper: Can you cook, Nami??

Nami: *suddenly smug* Of course I can. Who do you think fed these goofs before we met, Sanji-kun?

Zoro: Yeah, if you can call that food.

Nami: You ate it.

Chopper: You should cook us something, Nami!! *__*

Nami: Do you really think Sanji-kun would let me?

Zoro: I didn't have a choice whether to eat it or not.

Chopper: I'm sure Sanji would let you if you asked!

Nami: Yes you did.

Nami: Well, the kitchen is his thing now, and I really don't miss cooking.

Chopper: Ahh...*pauses* I SMELL THE MARKET!! IT'S OVER THERE!! *points excitedly*

Nami: Oh! Good sniffin' Chopper. *takes hold of Zoro's elbow once again and turns to the right* Come along, manbitc--Zoro...

Zoro: What did you call me? *eyes her suspiciously*

Nami: *ignores him* Oh, look...melons.

Zoro: What do we need melons for. Shouldn't we get a cart or something?

Chopper: You're our cart, Zoro! *hops off of Zoro's shoulders and takes a few melons and hands them to Zoro*

Zoro: I can't just hold everything without a bag or anything!

Nami: *holds one in her hands and inspects it* How do you tell if melons are ripe? *knocks on it*


Zoro: Cut it open. *reaches for a katana*

Nami: Now that I think about it...what kinda of melon IS thi-- ACK! Don't you dare!

Chopper: It smells like...*sniffs* ehhhh? I'm not sure what it is!!

Nami: *keeps one hand on Zoro's hilt and the other holding up the melon* Honeydew? ...but it's kinda purple....

Zoro: Just get it, who cares. They all taste the same. *swats her hand away*

Chopper: Maybe it's a giant grape!! COOL!! *__*

Nami: No they don't. *pulls her hand away and swats back*

Zoro: I aint gonna just whip 'em out here so back off. *grabs her by the wrist and MOVES her hand away*

Nami: *carefully hands Chopper the melon before swinging her other hand around to hit him*

Zoro: She devil.

Nami: Moron.

Chopper: HEY!! DON'T FIGHT!! *steps between them to prevent them*

Zoro: Can we just get done with this and go home already?! *tapping his foot*

Nami: Hmph! *pulls her hand away and presents the melon to the shopkeeper* We'll take this one.

Chopper: *sees a stand* LOOK ZORO!! BOOZE!!

Nami: *eyes widen* Wha-- CHOPPER! If he goes there we'll never get him back!

Zoro: *grins and looks around* Where?

Chopper: *grins* Over there! LET'S GET SOME!! CAN WE NAMI??

Nami: *slaps a palm to her face* Fine.


Zoro: 'course. The other stuffs shit. *strolls over and grabs BOTTOM SHELF liquor, the kind with the built in handle molded into the bottle*

Nami: *grumbles to herself and continues with the REAL shopping*

Chopper: *watches Zoro's liquor picking skillz* YEAH!! THE OTHER STUFF'S SHIT!!

Zoro: Oi Nami. Money. *holds a hand out*

Nami: *ignores*

Nami: *walks right past the mikan and strawberries* ...Those strawberry seeds did come in handy afterall.

Zoro: *follows her* M-o-n-e-y, woman.

Chopper: *follows her too and holds out his hoof* We need money to buy manly things!!

Nami: Oh, apples. But I don't know how much he'd buy.... *continues ignoring*


Zoro: *shrugs* Yeah, I could, its true.

Nami: *freezes* ..... *straightens* Oh did he?


Zoro: Sure, why not. We gotta buy booze though, woman.

Nami: *dumps some cash in his hand* Load it up.

Chopper: *is enjoying this* ZORO ALSO SAYS HE'S AN IDIOT! : D

Nami: Hahaha. That I know.

Zoro: That's enough Chopper. *vein popping out of his head* *takes the money gladly*

Chopper: *dances around chanting* ZORO SAYS HE IS AN IDIOT! AN IDIOT! AN IDIOT!!

Nami: *laughs before continuing with the shopping*

Zoro: *leaves Chopper with Nami and goes to buy a fuck-ton of booze*

Chopper: *stops dancing to see both Nami and Zoro off in different directions* *pouts* *goes by Zoro so he doesn't get lost again* Wow!! That's a lot!!

Nami: *starts to load up on all the things on the list like a good shopper*

Zoro: Here, hold these. *gives Chopper two bags of booze, carrying 2 of his own as they leave the liquor stall*

Chopper: *falls over from the weight* *transforms into heavy point in order to hold them* But we also have to carry all of Nami's grocery's too!!!

Nami: *is starting to struggle with all the bags* *looks around annoyed* Where are those two?

Zoro: Don't worry, we can handle it. *looks around* Where's Nami.

Chopper: *USES HIS NOSE* This way! *heads through the crowd till he reaches Nami*

Zoro: *sees Nami is having trouble carrying everything* Gimmie those bags, woman. *goes to take some from her*

Nami: *struggles* Be careful...don't drop anything.

Chopper: Me too!! I'll be careful!! *takes some too*

Zoro: Che. Who do you think I am. *carries everything with ease*

Chopper: ...YEAH!! WE'RE MEN!! *imitates Zoro*

Nami: *lifts an eyebrow* Whatever. So long as I don't have to carry anything...

Zoro: Could at least say thank you. *tempted to purposely drop the groceries*

Nami: *mumbles a quick thank you over her shoulder*

Chopper: OKAY!! LET'S GO HOME!! *__*

Zoro: Is that everything? *looks at Nami*

Nami: I think so. *looks back at the market real quick before leading them away* I did the best I could with what they had anyway. Hopefully Sanji-kun won't be too disappointed.

Nami: Oh and Chopper... *stops them for a moment and digs around in one of Zoro's bags*

Chopper: Yes?? *curious*

Zoro: You wanted candy.

Nami: *pulls out a small bag* Yeah. Here.

Chopper: *___*!! THANKS, NAMI!! YOU'RE THE BEST!! *takes it and looks in* We can all share it!!

Nami: I hope lemon drops are ok.


Zoro: Can we get out of here now? *starting to sweat slightly* My fuckin head hurts.

Nami: Yeah yeah you baby. Let's go. *continues hobbling off*

Zoro: Least you don't have stitches in your skull. *irritated* It doesn't hurt that much anyways.

Chopper: YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO GET ME CANDY YOU MORONS!! *does the happy dance belatedly in heavy point and drops some bags accidentally*

Chopper: *picks them up* NOTHING HAPPENED!! *goes to catch up*

Zoro: Good thing those bottles are plastic. *couldn't care less about the other groceries*

Nami: *only has stitches on her side and a broken leg* Would you two hurry up.

Nami: *hobbles off into the sunset!*

Chopper: *follows into the sunset!!*

Zoro: Fine. But we're having a drinking contest later. *follows....but gets lost and ends up going away from the sunset*


Chopper: *voice in the distance* ZORO!! THE SUNSET IS THIS WAY, YOU MORON!!


Zoro: ...oops. *turns to the right direction and follows into the sunset*

-- END --


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