[Voice] Forward dated to the 16th

Nov 16, 2011 20:36

[The problem with spending a month being kidnapped and another few days being dizzy is Nami has left harvesting the mikan grove far too late.  The first round of snow and frost already left some minor damage, but luckily the majority of the orchard is salvageable.

That being said, she and Bellemere and some of the crew have been working hard the last few days, starting to strip the orchard bare of fruit-- but today, the snow is coming down.  Again.  Light, and Nami diverts her attention to trying to keep the worst of it off the orchard, but she's no weather goddess and it's clear, as the day passes, that the snow is here to stay-- and they've run out of time.  It's not like the orchard is their livelihood, the way it was in Cocoyashi-- but that doesn't really matter.

And so, mid afternoon on the 16th, she's going to appeal to the generosity in people's hearts, or some such.  You know how it is.]

[Voice // Filtered from Nu and Blackbeard]

Uh... I know this is late notice, but I really need help from anyone who's willing to brave the forest in this kind of weather.  This snow's only going to get heavier, I think -- and I've got a mikan grove that's still full of fruit because I ... kind of wasn't around.  Aheh.  They won't survive when the weather really goes to hell.

...I need volunteers.  If you can come and give even half an hour of help in the orchard pulling this fruit down, I'd really appreciate it!  We've got baskets here or you can bring your own, and you can take home whatever fruit you want to.  Bellemere-san and I... really just don't want it to go to waste.

Thanks in advance.  If you have trouble finding the orchard, it's marked on those maps I made if you have one.

[You know, those ones she made free of charge and handed out? 8Da  She is not above guilting people into helping if she has to. >.> But come on, out of the goodness of your hearts! Nami will love you forever.]

...Also, Arche? I've got your map if you still want it.

[Harvest by day, make maps by night.  Busy, busy, busy.  And speaking of night, much later she leaves a more private message on the journals.]

[Locked to Catherine]

...I'd like to talk to you.  Please.

((ooc:  There is a log that will go up after this entry in short order!  For people to action in and go harvest fruit with Bellemere/help Nami try and keep the snow off/freeze to death getting lost on the way, etc etc.  It is not necessary to tag both of these posts:  you can tag here and offer help and then assume participation on the log, or you can just tag the log.  Or tag both, feel free. |Db

Ths post brought to you by muns checking weather calendars and harvest times and going FUUUUU--))
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