[Forward dated to 1 October 8|]

Sep 30, 2011 16:48

[This morning sees Nami wake up with a whole new outlook on life. She sits in front of her mirror at home for far too long, and various housemates may find her asking unreasonable questions of the poor thing before she finally gives up and slathers green pancake makeup all over her face and draws in a few warts for good measure. A cunning disguise! Really.

And now to raid the orchard...]


My, with all that running about town and trying to avoid trouble, you princesses must be hungry, hmm? Well, that's all right. The mikans are just starting to come into season, after all. I'll bring a basket to the plaza if you'd like a delicious snack.

[Insert laughter here.

No, that is not a cackle you just heard.

...okay, yes it is.]

[Evil witch Nami can be found in the plaza, handing out mikan to all who want some. Especially princesses. In fact, she may just nag you into taking one if you're of the princess-ey persuasion. These mikans are poisoned! They will make your character fall into a deep sleep, and you can only be revived with a kiss.

...conversely they may just give you indigestion. But they taste delicious.]

((ooc: Up very early for the few people that want to plot princely rescues as a result.|D))

following the family tradition, mine is an evil laugh, you happy now mama :|, action, voice

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