[Voice/Action for crew] Forward dated to Saturday morning ;;

Sep 24, 2011 06:36

[Nami clued in that something was off very early that morning; she and Sanji are the earliest risers in the house. No chef to greet her with hot tea as she shuffles into the living room. It's not unusual enough for her to check right away-- maybe he came in late, or maybe Something Happened. It's Luceti, after all ( Read more... )

this day sucks, action, voice

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[voice] winged_moon September 23 2011, 21:20:47 UTC

I'm sorry to hear that.


[voice] mikangirl September 23 2011, 21:41:12 UTC
[...she's never met Yukito formally, but she's been to the restaurant enough.]

...thank you. You're one of the cooks at Seventh Heaven, aren't you?

[She's unsure.]


[voice] winged_moon September 23 2011, 22:11:13 UTC
Yes, I'm Yukito. Tsukishiro Yukito. I've seen you there, but I don't think we've ever talked.


[voice] mikangirl September 23 2011, 22:16:42 UTC
...ah. No, that's right. I'm Nami.

[And she was going to ask him if he knew Yukito, but this makes everything more simple. A little easier.]

Will you be taking over the restaurant? There are notes...


I think he wants you to. I could send them over. The notes, that is.


[voice] winged_moon September 23 2011, 22:25:05 UTC
I'm glad to finally meet you then, Nami-san.

[And then he falls silent for a moment, more than a little startled. He hadn't thought of that- if Sanji's gone, then someone needs to run the restaurant, right? But he'd never really considered....]

I... he wants me to?

I think, mm, if you wouldn't mind, I'd like to see them?


[voice] mikangirl September 24 2011, 02:42:39 UTC
Sure. You can either come collect them, or... I can bring them to the restaurant a little later.


[voice] winged_moon September 24 2011, 04:04:50 UTC
Whichever is easier for you, Nami-san. I was going to go in to work in just a little bit anyway.


[voice] mikangirl September 25 2011, 01:38:09 UTC
All right. I need to visit someone today, so I'll come by the restaurant after that.


[voice] -> [action] winged_moon September 25 2011, 06:56:01 UTC
All right, I'll talk to you later, then.

[And true to his word, he'll just be heading off to Seventh Heaven. He's worked there plenty of times when Sanji wasn't in, so it doesn't feel quite real yet; he halfway expects the cook to wander in at any minute.]


[action] mikangirl September 25 2011, 07:05:52 UTC
[Nami turns up just before lunch time, opening the door and spending a long moment glancing around the restaurant in the hope that maybe things have somehow changed and Sanji is fawning over some female resident at a table. It's a ridiculous thought, she knows, but she can't quite help it.

She crosses to the counter after that, clutching a few pieces of paper and looking for Yukito.]


[action] winged_moon September 25 2011, 07:18:16 UTC
[Yukito is usually pretty easy to find, especially when the restaurant isn't terribly busy and he was watching for her to come in. Though he wasn't quite certain who Nami was, when he notices her is pretty sure she's the one he was waiting for and thus emerges from the kitchen to greet her.]

Are you Nami-san?


[action] mikangirl September 26 2011, 07:45:57 UTC
Yeah, that's me. [She offers him a smile, though it's a little vacant. Everything's a little surreal today.] Yukito, right?

[And she holds up the notes for him to take.]


[action] winged_moon September 26 2011, 21:45:49 UTC
[He nods, offering a friendly, sympathetic smile in response, then absently wipes his hands on his apron before reaching out to take the notes.]

That's me. Thank you for bringing them by for me, Nami-san. I appreciate it.


[action] mikangirl September 28 2011, 00:33:22 UTC
It's no problem.

...he has a lot of faith in you, so I guess this-- it'll be in good hands. The restaurant.


[action] winged_moon September 28 2011, 05:24:32 UTC
I like to think so. [His smile quirks just a little into a self-effacing grin at that, though he gets serious again after a moment.]

Too many people enjoy coming here for me to not do my best with it. For their sake, if nothing else.


[action] mikangirl September 28 2011, 05:28:05 UTC
I'm glad to hear it. [She relaxes a little, because she'd have hated to see Seventh Heaven abandoned or left in less than competent hands.]

...I spoke to a girl called Presea this morning. Do you know her? She's one of the serving staff here, she says.


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