[As the day breaks on the 7th, the sun hot and the sky clear, there is a small black and white shape occasionally seen flying over Luceti.
Oh look, it's a magpie. Big deal.
Except it's an exceptionally greedy magpie, with an exceptionally familiar
marking on one wing. And if you have something that's overly bright, or something that so much as glints in the sun, you bet you're in danger of losing it.
Also, we don't recommend attempting to go anywhere near the mikan orchard any time soon. That's her territory and she'll take your ear off.
((ooc: enter the Namipie. We hereby encourage the townfolk to have all sorts of shiny little things. The mun promises you'll get it back eventually if it's important. |Db She'll be seen all over town, in the forest north (especially by the orchard) and even out at the ocean on a curious field trip before the salt air gets too much for her.))