
Jun 14, 2011 17:19

[Nami has been pretty absent in Luceti for a good couple of weeks. Too busy sulking coming to terms with various absences and feeling heavily antisocial towards the village in general, since Luceti Valley. Life sucks. You know, the usual.

Today she seems to be making up for it, because you can see her in the village and nearby forest just about... anywhere. She doesn't understand what the problem is. The trip out to the orchard was straightforward enough. She just can't seem to find her way home. She was sure it was over here.

...or here.
...or maybe here--

Someone's messing with her. B|]



Has anyone noticed something weird today? The village is different.

[Because it's not her, okay. Clearly someone moved everything around.  Totally an experiment.

Help a poor, bewildered navigator out?]

i make maps dammit what is this, turn up when you see the dog, action, voice, taking over for zoro, what is east, right is down

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