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I'M HERE NOW. NO NEED TO WEEP. sniperkingftw January 1 2011, 23:37:18 UTC
[ Home is the place to be. Who needs to be out anywhere when you can just chill in the house, knowing girl-Sanji won't be back and pretty terrifying for a while?

Usopp's a master of avoidance. ]


/WEEPS JUST TO SPITE YOU mikangirl January 2 2011, 00:45:09 UTC
[Totally back late.

Totally slamming the door on her way back into the house.

Totally in a worse mood than when she left.]


1/2 sniperkingftw January 2 2011, 01:06:10 UTC
[ Well, shit. ]


...oh yeah, I was replying to this. sniperkingftw January 2 2011, 01:34:58 UTC
[ Usopp knows the time to gather reinforcements when he sees it. You've got ten, maybe fifteen minutes of peace before there is a longnose knocking on your door.

He brought alcohol. ]


mikangirl January 2 2011, 09:38:41 UTC
[Ah see, alcohol is a magical thing. Nami looks up from her incredibly productive pillow-hugging, sitting cross-legged on the bed-- totally not sulking, okay-- and gives him a faint smile.]

Did you steal that from Zoro's room?


sniperkingftw January 2 2011, 09:51:37 UTC
Maybe. [ Matching you smile for smile. Y'know, it was much harder to find than the last time he randomly raided Zoro's room for booze. Almost like there was less of it for some reason. ]

I'm pretty sure I can outrun him if he finds out, though.


mikangirl January 2 2011, 10:11:21 UTC
No need. Just blame it on me. I stole the rest of it, after all. [See, look at that. Humour restored. Sort of. Scooting right up to the head of the bed to give extra room for sitting snipers. Come to bed with your navigator?]


sniperkingftw January 2 2011, 10:49:47 UTC
[ Pfft. ] I should've guessed it was you.

[ Who wouldn't? He'll take that seat, thank you very much. ] Guess it's just another good day to be drinking.


mikangirl January 2 2011, 11:25:21 UTC

[Let's just...open that bottle now.]

Noel's gone.


sniperkingftw January 2 2011, 23:45:31 UTC
[ Ahh.

Yeah, okay, that makes sense. ]

That's been happening a lot lately.


mikangirl January 3 2011, 00:48:26 UTC
Yeah, I've noticed.

...I was just there. [You know, walk out to come home, check your journal, oh hey. Droids were polite enough to wait for her to leave, apparently.] She's got a puppy now. Ragna got her one for Christmas.

[Totally relevant information. :|]


sniperkingftw January 3 2011, 04:54:00 UTC
[ They've all felt the very unique and painful punch that comes of being right there- it never really gets easier. ]

A puppy, huh?


mikangirl January 3 2011, 08:22:30 UTC
Yeah. She called it Sol.

I think I'll just head over there every day and kick Ragna until he looks after it properly.


sniperkingftw January 4 2011, 02:05:16 UTC
You sure you can trust him with a puppy? [ He doesn't know Ragna that well. But it just seems like a poor fit 8| ]


mikangirl January 4 2011, 12:48:40 UTC
I don't trust Ragna with anything at all. But he'll probably do his best to keep the poor thing in one piece.


sniperkingftw January 5 2011, 04:03:44 UTC
We can check in on it. Just in case. [ It's like if Luffy got a goldfish. ]


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