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[Action] bullet_dance January 1 2011, 09:04:41 UTC
[MY GOODNESS, who could this be!? ...No, really, who? Picking up Sol, Noel walks over and opens the door a bit--just to see who it is.]

Nami! [She smiles, opening the door all the way once she knows who it is.] Happy New Year!


[Action] mikangirl January 1 2011, 22:27:58 UTC
Thanks! Same to you! And hi! [Don't mind her as she comes practically bouncing in your door. Distraction with bff: get.] I know you might not want to drink to celebrate, but just in case. [Has bottle 8Db]


[Action] bullet_dance January 2 2011, 10:12:08 UTC
W-We'll see about that. [...maybe not, but go ahead and drink your heart out anyway. Noel closes the door after Nami, so that the ball of fluff in her arms doesn't try to escape.] Go ahead and make yourself feel at home. Is there anything you want?

[Meanwhile, there is a dog squirming around in Noel's arms.]


[Action] mikangirl January 2 2011, 10:17:54 UTC
Just companyyyy... [Said word drawn out as she finally pays attention to the squirming fluffy thing. Huh. And now a grin.] And an introduction.


[Action] 1/2 bullet_dance January 2 2011, 10:30:32 UTC
Intro... oh! You mean-- [What else could she mean? Noel steps a little closer.] Sorry about that.


[Action] bullet_dance January 2 2011, 10:31:36 UTC
[And holding out the puppy!] This is Sol. He was a Christmas gift.


[Action] mikangirl January 2 2011, 10:36:31 UTC
Sol, huh? [Stealing him for a quick scruffle, if that's okay.] He's cute. Did you get him from that giant statue?


[Action] bullet_dance January 2 2011, 10:55:34 UTC
[It's certainly okay with the puppy; Sol starts to wag his tail and wriggles around in Noel's grasp even more. If he could, he would so try to pounce on Nami... but he's still fairly little for a dog his breed. :|

...ffff.] N-No... actually... Ragna found him. He was all alone.


[Action] mikangirl January 2 2011, 11:17:40 UTC
Ragna, huh. [Someone's still a little pissed at him.] What, an apology for going through your stuff?


[Action] bullet_dance January 2 2011, 11:25:15 UTC
I'm not sure. He already... [...] You knew about what happened?


[Action] mikangirl January 2 2011, 11:39:42 UTC
Yeah, I heard him. I'm surprised you didn't hear me screaming at him. [Given she was camping with you at the time >_>]


[Action] bullet_dance January 2 2011, 11:46:48 UTC
I... I didn't. [Oh, jeez.] Just how many people heard that...?

[In her despair, Sol wriggles out of Noel's grip and... goes off to explore. LET'S SEE WHAT'S IN NOEL'S ROOM. /continuity]


[Action] mikangirl January 2 2011, 19:04:06 UTC
I'd say everyone in Luceti who was bored at the time, plus a few incensed friends. [No point trying to couch that in gentle terms.] He had no right.


[Action] bullet_dance January 8 2011, 09:11:12 UTC
He didn't. [... ... ...Ohhhh. ;__; Nami and Kouki only brought this up with her, but to everyone else who had heard it... what could they be thinking? This is--THIS IS--AHHHHHH!!!]

Ragna... at least he apologized, but... [Mental keysmash goes here.]


[Action] mikangirl January 9 2011, 05:32:40 UTC
[Oh, Noel.]

He's still a jerk.


[Action] bullet_dance January 9 2011, 08:49:50 UTC

At least he won't be doing anything like that again anytime soon.


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