[Written/Action - forward dated to early morning]

Apr 30, 2010 14:12

[Filtered to the participants in the Aku log // 100% unhackable]

[There's a series of light dotted marks as she taps the pen on the page, but in the end she still has no real idea of what to say.  So keeping it simple:]

Thank you.

[And she'll just ... be outside by the mikan tree around sunrise, sitting on the ground with her newly retrieved journal and thumbing through the pages idly.  She'll be outside for half an hour at most, but hey.  Getting there.]

!usopp, !james lancing, !sanji, !iris, grow faster tree, !katara, !sokka, written, !adell, now that pesky experiment is over, action, !noel vermillion, !luka megurine

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