Oct 28, 2014 22:22
Broadcast date: 27/10/2014
Host: Miyake Ken
Here is the summary of the show this week.
Q1: I’m playing baritone sax in brass band & I’m going to perform solo on the upcoming performance so I’m very nervous right now. Ken-kun, do you get nervous too when you get up to the big stage? What should I do so I won’t get nervous?
Ken said of course he gets nervous every time he gets up on the stage. When people get nervous, the diaphragm will move upwards that cause people to breathe harder.
Ken: So before you perform, it’s better to take a slow deep breath as you wanna deliver oxygen to your brain as well & then release it slowly, do these repeatedly. Abdominal breathing is the best one. Also, tapping around your wrist using your finger also helps.
When the sympathetic & parasympathetic nervous system work together, it can reduce stress & strain on the body.
Ken also can notice when other V6 members or other artists get nervous before they perform live on TV music show. Getting nervous is something common but the important thing is to relax & trying to ease strain.
Q2: Ken-kun, are you Peter Pan? Have you ever thought something like “I’m young!” or “I’m young again!” by yourself??
Ken: No~ I haven’t. Am I young again? I don’t think so. I’m getting old. Getting old. Maybe the hair style makes me looks young. No~ I’m getting old, right? (Ken rubbing his beard, lol)
Ken wished he could sleep deeply until the morning coz usually he would awake to go to the toilet in the night.
Q3: When you said Muroi-san yawns like a hippopotamus, I was shocked but it sounds so cute. Do you have any particular expression that you often use but your surroundings don’t use it much?
Some interesting expressions using by Miyake’s Family:
Common: hottokeeki (pancake)
Miyake’s Family: hottorakeeki
Common: gohan (rice)
Miyake’s Family: gohan tsubu (rice grains)
Common: kechappu, mayoneezu (sauce, mayonanaise)
Miyake’s Family: kechamayo XDD
V6 - Ashita wa Kuru Kara
Q4: When do you use pc (personal computer) usually? Can you blind typing or edit video like Mamoru-kun in “Hottokenai Majotachi”?
Ken said his skill in typing is normal. He doesn’t have blind typing skill. He only can press “Enter” & “Space“ key properly. XD He really impressed with a few reporters who can do blind typing very fast during press conference.
Ken learned how to edit video from his friend so he knows how to do it. He also uses pc to listen to music. Ken has already bought a new iMac. And though iPhone6 has been released, Ken prefers previous 3G version iPhone which is smaller & cute.
Sorry for any mistake & my bad English.
miyake ken,