Oct 15, 2009 16:36
GM to me: "Roll your Body dice, target number 5, and we'll see what the doctor says."
Me: "Okay, that's 3d6 - "
GM: "Inflating your stats a little?"
Me: "Shut up. I rolled a 4, a 3, and a 1."
GM: "No successes, huh? Checking the chart… okay. You have kidney cancer."
Unfortunately, the GM isn't talking about my game character, either; looks like I'll be going in next month for surgery after all. The surgeon's very optimistic, and I should still keep the unaffected portion of that kidney. That's one of a long list of ways I'm fortunate right now, but it's a little hard to focus on them with that word "cancer" rattling around in my head.
Two ways to tell that I'm really stressed: I start stuttering a bit, and my sense of humor gets really twisted.