The nerd formerly known as shinyshuichi, cherryblinded, & sharpie
1. Comment to be added
2. Comment once in a while, yo.
3. Offend my
familia, &I will hurt you.
4. Having some stuff in common is cool, but not required.
5. Keep the wank and drama to your own journal, I don't want it on mine.
6. My journal is my journal, I'll write whatever I goddamn please. Don't like it, tough shit.
7. Don't add before I add you. you will never be added if you do not say something to me, either through some comm, my f/o post, or via chat.
These are the filters you actually have a choice whether you want on or not. I write on filter, I don't read on it. This gives you the choice of which side of me you actually want to see other than the basic non-filtered stuff. :P
Fangirling & crack | exactly that. If you want access to most downloads & general squealing fangirliness, here's a good place to be.
Bitching & ranting | exactly that. I am Nori, hear me roar and bitch incessantly.
Angsting and whining | exactly that. because sometimes shit catches up to me.
Personal stuff | health issues, relationships, etc. Generally TMI for people 8D.
Fic & Art now posted at
sthugaiz, pretty much the only fic or artstuff you'll find on here is random memes.
Full doujinshi scans can be found at
devil_mode. Comm is friends only, so please read the rules.
Icons/Winamp skins/other graphics scans (magazine/cd/misc. merch) can be found at
Drop your comment, yo.
If I've added you, you're either A) Cool, B) Write good fic, C) Draw good pic or D) I find you interesting.
&useful links;
Nori's offline contact info (filtered)
Nori's sort-of bio (filtered)
Give me teh fic prompts, plz?Rhythmic High (Fanart/fic/commissions)
Rhythmic High @ (Rikkai related fanlistings, scanlations, and other stuff) (Fudoumine general fansite; fanlistings, fics, art, scans, downloads) (Big gay gundams)
Pure-Rhythm (FL collective; owned & joined)
Sakura-Crisis (Manga & doujinshi scanlations)