Jul 11, 2006 20:52
my sister got married last weekend. MARRIED. all in all, it was a grand time in north carolina. josh and i were the life of the wedding, besides the obvious couple. i really am lucky to have a stud who doesn't think its lame to dance. anyway, the whole thing was fun and its actually sad now that she's gone and married. i am happy for her, but there was this moment when i looked over at my mother who had tears streaming down her face from the moment she stepped onto the aisle where i realized, geez louise this is growing up. this is for real and for forever.
in other news, i have 2 (1+1) jobs at the moment. its kind of fun and exhausting to go from stressed out about not having any jobs to having one for each hand. it rocks. and its also in dc! so those of you (ZAK) in dc, I AM THERE TOO. and i metro in! its orange line all the way to farragut west and a short 4 block walk to the corcoran. its weird because i feel grown up and young at the same time. i'm a big person now who takes the metro to work and commutes and wears a badge to get in, but i am also like the only person on the metro at 8 in the morning who's wearing jeans, sneakers, and a ratty tshirt. i am the bum in the sea of suits.
i'm glad that the wedding is over so actually have time to use selfishly, except now that i'm doubly employed, i'm exhausted by 9. and tomorrow i have to get up even earlier so i can go to the dentist before work because i am paranoid i have a cavity. blahhh.
its my bedtime now...