Memory Sucks

Dec 05, 2010 11:08

 Title: Memory Sucks (rating: dunno just tell me.)
Pairing: OnHo
Warning: short and terrible I-don’t-know-how-you-call-what-I-just-wrote but anyway… I’m not good in writing ‘that’. Sorry in advance. Un-beta edited.

===============================================================================( Really? )

onew, minho, tofuho, minew, onho, babbling, secret line, dubu, shinee, !fanfic

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ex_argh December 5 2010, 07:32:52 UTC
cuteeee this was really cute lol! I loved it and how Minho forgot LOLLL XD ♥
XDDDD I don't even like smut so this is perfect for me!!! ^_________________^;;

♥ /sigh keep the Onho loving coming :DDD ♥


mikaerayohiko December 5 2010, 11:14:10 UTC
mwhahaha x3 glad you liked it! *leaped happily off the window*
woa you write awesome smut and yet you don't like it huh... D:I dun like/hate smut but I'm amaze how it's written :o

nyohoho will do♥forever :)))))))))


ex_argh December 5 2010, 21:25:16 UTC
^^ of course I liked it! XDDD ♥

hmm I've just read too much smut in the past :/ that most of the time it's just boring to me^^;; so I prefer not to read it very often~^^

yay I'm glad~~~ ♥ :DDD


mikaerayohiko December 8 2010, 06:09:53 UTC
I see D: I just started reading smut because of OnHo ahahahaha x~ ♥)


ex_argh December 8 2010, 06:58:28 UTC
*hides* yeah sorry didn't mean to sound negative T___T; *huggles* it's just me lol XD

♥ awwww yay? I'm happy? 8D onho is awesomeee~ :DDD ♥


mikaerayohiko December 8 2010, 07:52:01 UTC
hahah xD It's alright ~*huggles back* XD

lol yeh OnHo♥ makes the world go round whahahahah xD .o. ohh I spy Minho's sexy back D:♥


ex_argh December 9 2010, 01:31:27 UTC
*huggles* aww today is Minho's bday~~~ ^____^;;

yeaaah *nods* Onho makes the world gooo round~~~yessssssss!

XD yeah my friend was trying to tease me with a Minho back icon so I made one too XDD


mikaerayohiko December 9 2010, 04:49:13 UTC
lol yeah happy birthday to him xD

.o. lol there's a red spot on his back right? xD what can that be!?!?!?!? Jinki perv.. @_@ *flails*


ex_argh December 9 2010, 06:37:45 UTC
yeah happy birthday to Minho ♥ XDDD

LOL i think its a bruise/mark from leaning against something? XD or maybe its a hickey left by Jinki? :P


mikaerayohiko December 9 2010, 10:37:18 UTC
lol I see but yeah...o.o maybe jinki... *faints* DX hahaha dirty thoughts.... :O


ex_argh December 10 2010, 04:40:45 UTC
of course it was Jinki 8DDD I mean obviously~~~


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