Even the gods and angels would fall

Apr 20, 2011 17:48

Title: Even the gods and angels would fall

Pair: ChangNew  -again!-

Dedicated to: acrosstherug  there.. bb you asked? :P drabble for today. I'm trying to update to other stuffs online... screw multi-tasking... *sigh*

The way he smiles, lips pressed thinly together as if he was holding back his beauty, it was enough to make his poor heart jump and rummage his ribcage and make him hitch a breath, he swore his face was by now blue. Bluer when those round, brown eyes met his lighter ones, awkward and too slow that even the sounds of the background was no different. He stared at them 'til he latter sees the man’s features fully, god-like and elegant. He definitely belonged to their group title along with his godly looking group mates. He could only try and shine with his brightest smile he was known for at least, to reciprocate the attention he’s now showered with. Teeth as white as snow trying to out glimmer the god’s facet. He wishes it was enough.


Then an angel descended down, standing just a step away from the doorway with crescent hazel eyes sparkling even from a far. He looked exactly how the telltales of angels would look like if one sees it and apparently he had one in front of him, smiling at him brighter than the sun from the windows inside the room he was in. The angel’s eyes met his after a gentle smile he tried to muster up towards him and it granted him a wave of acknowledgement. The way he raised his hand in a slight wave looked too graceful in contrast to his dark clothing that was also the opposite of the garment he wore that day.

His feet walked by itself after his dazed moment and he seemingly landed over his angel within seconds, arms wrapping around  his smaller waist that the boy responded with the softest of chuckle escaping his beautiful mouth. He could feel the butterflies in his stomach fluttering their wings each chuckle the angel made until it rapidly turn to gold dust as his angel looked up to him presenting his sparkling eyes neither contacts nor the light can trick.


“Welcome back,” the angel says.

“I’m home…” replied, the god.

onew, changnew, changmin

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