Oct 26, 2012 05:01
* My birthday was last week on the 16th. I'm officially 29.It was a huge mess with people not showing or forgetting and it is how it is, I guess? The day itself was splendid though. My husband and son and a few close friends really came thru for me in the end and it made all the upsets of the week before worth it.
* We did get a full check this time. To get the next check and the severance pay we need involves a ton of paperwork. Chris is going to get on them about it tomorrow. Once all thats done we get the money within 10 buisness days. Its just stressful worying about things, ya know? I really hope that paperwork is there tomorrow when Chris goes in so please keep your fingers crossed. I'm glad he got out and its going to be a great new adventure for us as he already has job offeres but shit its nerve wracking just getting to the point we need to be at.
* Went to the wine tasting festival on Sunday and had a great time. I was so exhausted I came home and took a 3 hour nap. Also, saw Paranormal Activity 4 which I did nothing but laugh my ass off at.
* I'm hoping writing all this out will help relieve my stress. I'm just so tired of the stress and worry. Chris seems to think he can get all this handled in a suitable amount of time. By my calculations if aeverything is done no later than the 5th at the latest we should be fine. Keep your fingers crossed.
*Laugh all you want but I got my breaking dawn 2 tickets. Keep your fingers crossed everything goes to plan because frankly I'm exhauted.
* Also, is this the never ending election or what? Seriously, people cramming their own beliefs down my throat in hateful ways won't work. I will vote for who I vote for and people spewing venom won't chage it. You make yourself look ignorant and I get highly confused that you bash the hell out of the people I would vote for and give me shit about it. I don't bitch about your choices or call you names. Half the time I think about just staying away from facebook. Highly annoying but at the end of the day I will still like them. Just may stay far away during the next election, lol.
*Hope you all are well...