(no subject)

Feb 28, 2012 22:14

So, I sat at Sewells Pointe Clinic for TWO hours waiting for meds because they decided it was a good idea to only have 2 windows open and then had a woman who occasionally passed out the filled scripts only on her breaks from watching FOX news. Jesus Christ. Seriously, people?!

There was a woman next to me with a baby who was worrying about picking her other daughter up who had been trying to get her Rx for TWO weeks but kept having trouble. We sat and talked about schools and she gave me a bunch of ideas to do with Gabe and where to go to find his school and information on it. I had an extra number someone had iven me and handed it to her so she could run up and go. She was so appreciative and told me karma would definately pay me back for being so nice. I told her not to let that out and she laughed. It was nice talking to someone with information and who was intelligent.

Appearently, the doctor I saw for anxiety and sleep issues left SIX months ago and no one said anything. I have called in for refills twice since then and someone called it in under her name since her name was written all over my prescription bottles? Srsly? Epic. Fail. They sent me to someone else in Chesapeake. I have weened off everything and stepped down to a small dose of ambien. I need the help sleeping. I can't handle only 4 hours of sleep. I have tried everything from benedryhl to melatonin to drinking sleepytime tea nothing works. I'm interested in seeing what this Dr has to say?

Oh and BTW how is it time for Gabe to start school?! I just started researching to see where he would go and got the number but seriously?! School. W.T.F. :(
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