So, here we go, Part Two of my review. This basically focuses on Book Three (:
BOOK THREE: The lamb and the lion go at it (in two different literal senses)
So let me start out by saying that Vampire Bella doesn't piss me off as much as much as Human Bella did. Why? No, not because Bella is less clumsy. I really can't say why...but maybe it's because she isn't so...Bella anymore. But, let me tell you, Human Bella never failed to piss the hell out of me. So Bella awakes and see's everyone very clearly for the first time. I found some things mentioned here very interesting. First, what was that eighth color of the rainbow they were talking about? I actually googled it and could find nothing. We do know that us frail humans have never seen it, because Bella says she has no name for it. Now, that's something to keep me up at night. Another thing I found interesting was that, as Bella was seeing everyone in a new light, her defense mechanism immediatley reacted to Jasper's scars. Plus, Jasper was ready to spring at any moment, so that also added to her...fear? But I really didn't think that all of his scars were a big part of who he was until that moment. So, after Bella see's herself in a mirror and realizes she's absolutley lovely (if she does say so herself) they decide to go hunting. Ah, the moment we've (or at least I've) been waiting for. The part that I found absolutley hilarious, and it has indeed become my favorite E&B moment, was when Bella growled at Edward. I so wanted her to tackle him. That would have made my life. That whole scene was hilarious, especially when dear Edward got turned on when he saw Bella in her ripped dress. But Bella is very controlled, which I believe is one of her talents as a vampire (I think she has quite a few of them). The hunting scene was written beautifully, and it was very intense. I loved how Bella got to wrestle with a lion. Oh, and we got to see Ed hunt. "It was a surprisingly sensual experienceto observe Edward hunting." Damn right. Watching Edward WALK is a sensual experience. Honestly, Bella. The mother/daughter reunion was so unbearably sweet and wonderful, what with Nessie reaching for her and them bonding straight away. But the loch ness monster scene was SO DAMN FUNNY. Especially when Bella goes, "YOU DIDN'T." I dont know if anyone else was cracking up like I was while reading that whole scene, but I sure was. I could totally imagine Bella getting pissed off and throwing a fit like that while she was human. Then she attacks and gets Seth instead. Let's fast forward to when Bella gets her house...[insert suggestive cough here]. I especially liked that Bella wanted to know when she would stop having...cravings [raises an eyebrow]. I don't know about you, but that scene made me happy. As I said, I'm one for sappy.
"Edward smiled, but didn't laugh; he was a strong man." [giggle]
BOOK THREE: Jacob & Irina tattle.
Oh, sure, Jacob cares if Renessmee is with Bella. But, apparently, Charlie isn't a problem. Bella isn't the love of his life anymore, so why does it matter to put her through physical pain and her father in danger? So Charlie, the poor guy, is all freaked out about Jacob being a wolf and all, comes and see's Bella looking exactly like the rest of the Cullens. Hmm...plastic surgery, perhaps? Talk about being gullible, man. Since when has being beautiful saved someones life? Answer: On Grey's Anatomy. Anyway, Charlie spends some quality time with his grandkid and all is well. Except for Emmett and his suggestive jokes. Oh, gotta love him. But he gets whats coming to him in that arm-wrestle. The big-brother-little-sister thing was so cute. To bad Stephenie decided to make some characters shy away into the backround [shakes head]. But, anyway, that was a great moment. But then Irina comes and you can say she's pretty much pissed off. Jumping to conclusions, she runs and tells on them to the Volturi. And Alice forsees that they'll all die. But she also sees a little something that Ed doesnt understand. And she leaves iwth Jasper. I have to say, I was devastated when I found out that Alice had left them. And I was in denial, just like I was when Edward left. Of course, if Bella fell for Edward leaving in NM, then she'd for sure fall for Alice leaving. DUH, she didn't leave them. SHE'S SACRIFICING HERSELF JUST LIKE EDWARD WAS. [growl].
BOOK THREE: Witnesses & J. Jenks
Bella looks over Alice's clues and decides to check them out. In the meanwhile, they're gathering as many witnesses as they can. I have to say, at this point of the book, I'm basically spazzing my pants off, because I've grown an attachment to Renesmee. Also, seeing E&B have a family just melts my heart and now I can't have it any other way. I think Bella can't either...there's this one part where she says she can live without everything else besides Renesmee. That struck me as interesting- would she really be able to survive without Edward? I guess she would have to live for her daughter now. Who knew, eh? But anyway, after Bella forges documents for Jake and Nessie, she gets to know all the different covens and nomads, and I absolutley LOVED Garret and Kate. Talk about some sideline romance. So then Bella finds out that she can produce a shield and insits on being taught how to fight. I loved how Edward was not able to do it...he's just too adorable.
BOOK THREE: The Volturi
As the final parts of he book come around, so do the most tense parts. I have to admit, I did not expect the Volturi to stop, drop, and roll. I thought they would just attack straight away. There synchronized enterence creeped me out. You know what else was just dandy? The emotional rollercoaster of their desicion. First, they're so going to kill them. Then, they decide toh ear them out. Then Aro is all, "No, dear Renesmee, of course we wont harm your loved ones". Then they decide that Renesmee is the threat and try to kill her and then ALICE COMES BACK! %&%^%$#%$&^*&^$! Can't say how happy I was. Actually, I can. I was basically skipping around the room reading and squeeling like the fangirl I am. Then Nahuel comes in and saves the day. But Cauis, that bitch of a Rosalie, is so set on killing SOMEBODY, he aims his anger on the wolves being "The Children of the Moon" LOLZZZZ. If you didnt laugh just now, then I'm a nargle. It's really cool that SM finally explained exactly what they where, because I was always wondering why they didnt look like wolves. So now they're shape-shifters. Interesting. Then Aro is all, "Caius, STFU, we're not killing anyone tonight!" Peace, friend.
"I lifted my head and kissed himwith a passion that might have possibly set the forest on fire. I wouldnt have noticed.
Okay, be honest. Who absolutley broke down in tears these last few pages? When she showed him her memories...I absolutley bawled like a newborn [baby]. I was so sad, it gave me that Deathly Hallows feeling...the emptiness that it was over. And that I'd stuck with it for so long. I get chills and a lump in my throat every time I think about it. And , the thing is, I don't think the ending was too good, as I felt about DH. I felt it was perfect. Just right. (:
"And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect peice of our forever"