Sep 10, 2004 15:07
I have a new binder. i put in new paper. i hole punched the sylibi. i got cool plastic deviders. it's my new pollyp. i also bought some mechanical pencils and i feel that all is right in the world.
i've seen allot of people in the last couple of days, blanked on names, strianed conversation and exchanged numbers i will proibly never call and will never see on my cell. but no matter! i am being too negitive. its been great seeing everyone.
my schedule thus far: tu/thur = approaches to the study of religion, existential philosophy, ancient philosophy mon/wed = modern philosophy, topics in post colonial studies (which i may drop)
my apartment makes me so happy, it feels like home and helps me live and do my work. the doorms always felt like living on a rock just big enough to sit on. my apartment is like a seat next to a tide pool.
i will be updating more often, with whatever, to stay out here in lj land
i've been thinking of trying to bake vegan bread and cookies etc and sell them at one of the farmer's markets, I wonder how that works? or mabey some coffee shop would like a saturday delivery? that would be wicked fun. what should I call my little bakery?