Dec 15, 2012 01:16
I know that there's much consensus that the tragedy in Connecticut demonstrates the need for stricter gun control. But I'd like to know more about why people think this. Are people suggesting a full out ban on weapons? It sounds like the guns this dope used were purchased by his mother. Secondly, it seems he had no criminal record, so how exactly would tighter gun laws have prevented this? Secondly, it's worth recalling that Canada has strict gun control laws, but has also experienced horrific school shootings.
I'm not a fan of the 2nd Amendment but I also don't think it deserves all the blame here or that gun laws will solve the school shooting problem.
Update: I think the answer here is that gun control could likely limit the size of ammunition cartridges and semi-automatic weapons. Likely in this case it would have saved a lot of people. The Second Amendment does deserve blame here insofar as fear of it made people less willing to impose these reasonable restrictions.