sometimes you just gotta google yourself

Oct 03, 2007 21:42

this is going to sound so stupid: i miss my boys. I've been watching Supernatural S1 and GUH. I can't wait for S2 to come out, I can't wait for S3 to start. can'twaitcan'twait. I was watching Skin and I was blown away [again] by Jensen's performance. when he's playing the shapeshifter, he's so fucking creepy. and then that scene in Faith at the end, with Leila. I just love him so hard.

so i have this J2 fic in my head, that i'm in love with, that's silly and sappy and stupid. in the good way, i hope. think ' jiggle the slot with the thing'. yeah, THAT kinda fic. but I can't write it because my writing-fu is just. I don't know. interstate, somewhere, getting drunk or high or both.

the House premiere was really good.

I can't hear 'Androclese' without thinking of BJ in 'The Kids' and Hawkeye all, being in love with him.

I like Shameless enough to want to buy the DVD's. that's a lot.

also, i miss you guys. this might be giving away trade secrets on just how often im usually online but I feel strangley disconnected from everything when i'm not reading on the day, and keeping up to date. so if you read this tell me how you are, and what you love right now, or who you love right now, or just hi ♥

jsquared, jensen

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