okay this post is basically to rec all the recent wonderous fic to come out of the WB RPS fandom lately. this fandom, man. it seems, I donno, cyclical? is that the right word? for me, there's been no lull. it just comes back on itself and presents more squee-age. and the level of writing astounds me. and frightens me. anyway, onto the fic.
Title: the evolution of revelation
notthequiettypePairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: adult
Read: the title is very fitting. It’s a succession of scenes that move through the boys realisation that, hey, I kind of only want to be with you. with perfect boy voices, and simplistic narration that is complimentary it feels like a smooth ride, even though it jumps from here to there. each little part comes together to make the whole, nothing missing. Lovely.
Jared growls Jensen's name against his mouth like it's the filthiest word he knows. Title: Monogatari
winterlivePairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: nc-17
Read: AU. You’ve probably seen this recced EVERYWHERE but that’s only because it’s epic. Seriously. This isn’t usually what I go in for - my reading styles are a lot more base, but this is extremely well researched, well executed and well written. Set in ‘modern day’ Japan, Jensen is a samurai of the highest order and Jared is his, um [the title escapes me] ‘charge’ of sorts. It’s a long read, but worth it, for the depth there, the lush description of the setting, cultures and traditions. A journey.
In Japan, he is called Daiki Nihonjiro, samurai-sama, and there is not a soul who does not bow to him, save Emperor Kurosawa himself.
In Dallas, where his parents raised him, his name was Jensen Ackles. Title: Play me a memory
elohveePairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: R
elohvee is one of those authors that you click the link without reading the premise. It’s going to be good. She doesn’t disappoint here. Angsty, harsh and real, and good.
"Hey," Jared says, smiling. He's by the buffet table when Jensen shows up, and they start arguing over the dip like. Like nothing. Like normal. Title: Last Stop: Chicagoland.
phaballaPairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: adult
Read: the boys are together and have two children and they’re in love but it’s not all sunshine and daisies, they do struggle through it. This is such a fantastic fic, I can’t hardly tell you. This is some of what I told the author: you've balanced between the boys we know, and boys who are new, who have shades and dimensions and colour, so expertly. It isn’t chock full of clichés and stereotypes and the voices are perfect. Read it.
Jared has only cheated twice in the entire time they've been together and never since they had the girls. Title: The View From Here
nutkinPairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: nc-17
Read: yes, this is the same author who wrote that epic road trip story. This is gorgeous boy love, and they ARE, they’re boys. While I do love the AUs from time to time, it is this, like many of the other fics I have recced, that feel like a moment plucked from a “reality” that make up the fandom, you know. Getting back to basics, not trying to push it. It doesn’t need pushing, J2. it’s there. And it’s here, with this fic.
Sandy gets that, and she thinks Jensen gets it, too. He knows in the way she smiles at him that she's glad Jared has him in his life, and he thinks, if you only knew.
If you only knew. Title: Better Together
miss_begoniaPairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: R
Read: well okay
miss_begonia kind of won my J2 heart a long, long time ago but nothing’s changed. She still writes these boys perfectly. This is so much fun, and so much love, and I don’t know. Brilliant. Everything wonderful about these boys together, and then some.
They don’t watch movies together, because Jared is incapable of shutting up and Jensen likes silence to accompany all his entertainment.
Complete silence.
“You are really the most annoying person I know,” Jensen tells him. “And I know a lot of annoying people.”
Jared crunches popcorn loudly. In his face. Because he can. tomorrow i see a surgeon, to make sure there's nothing structurally wrong with the knee. other than that, I have nothing of interest to share. except, um:
love to the flist ♥