(no subject)

May 17, 2007 21:44

If you do not know this of me yet, where have you been: I like beards. Lots. I like Jensen. Lots. Do the math.

OK So I look away for two seconds and there are the boys sprinkling their gay glitter all over the fandom. Seriously. You have to read this where Jensen apparently says that after some really tough scene he did he had to walk away from set crying and Jared FOLLOWED him and COMFORTED him and said “great scene, man”. Just. Yeah. THEN. You have to download this and hear about how Jensen likes to ride ponies and Jared likes to give him massages and the time they have driving to set each morning is their “Private Time”.

I don’t care if you already know all this. I don’t care that Jensen has supposedly got a new girlfriend. She’s hot, I can deal. I just care about all the gayness I missed. Where was I?

Title: Five Times Jensen Nearly Quit Smoking
Author: lemmealone
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: NC17

“Oh, sure.” Jensen gestured confidently. “They make all kinds of stuff to help you quit these days. I'll do it easy. But first...”

“You need a cigarette?” Jared guessed wryly.

Jensen huffed out a laugh, and had the sense to look slightly ashamed of himself. “Well. Yeah.”

Title: Defy Gravity and Fly Like Jets
Author: caramel_maddy
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: R

Jared’s stone stuck in surprise, feels Jensen’s mouth on his, but can’t quite compute that he’s actually being kissed until he feels a warm tongue slither past his lips signifying that this moment is real. He’s too stunned to reach up and rest his hand along the flexing curve of Jensen’s spine, but he imagines that if he were more coherent, he would. He would trace his fingertips across the vertebra, count each and every single bone, but all he can manage to do is gasp.

Title: Fillin’ Up With Things That Only Let Me Down.
Author: lissa_bear
Pairing: Chris Kane/Steve Carlson, implied Chris/Jensen
Rating: PG13

"I know I get to you," Chris mumbles, reaching out a hand to curl around the hem of Steve's shirt.

"Yeah." Steve nods. He doesn't let himself move closer. "That's why you do it."

Title: Building a Castle in the Sky.
Author: estrella30
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: R

“Mornin’,” Jensen croaks, then clears his throat.

Jared flashes him a grin. “Mornin’.”

Jensen doesn’t know where to sit, what to do with his hands. If this were any normal day he’d look around for his coffee, maybe tease Jared a little, suggest they work on their lines. But this…this is…

Also, because I’m a shameless whore, I’d love it if you read my Jensen/Steve.

I realise I've never had a therapuetic massage. I was going to have a FULL BODY massage yesterday and I was called into work. Universe: 1. Me: 0.

Lastly, the baby that was left at a hospital. Of course I could say "by her mother" but whose to say it wasn't the father or the grandparents or some other guardian. Look, I agree, it's sad that her family were unable to care for her in a way they thought was adequate. Yes, we should appeal to them to rethink their decision. Yes it's good that there's some raising awareness of such things as post-natal depression. All very good. BUT. Tell me that she's the first baby to be left, ANYWHERE? Tell me that she's not one baby in MILLIONS. Tell me that his hasn't been blown up so BIG because it [irony of all ironies] happened on Mother's Day? The baby was healthy and was taken to a place she could be cared for. Situation: under control. Stop. Just STOP.

jsquared, recs, jensen, wtf

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