please sir, can I have some more?

Apr 29, 2007 21:26


So. So, you see. The thing is. Jensen Ackles? Yeah, him? He's going to be on stage. He's doing theatre. I'm sorry but I don't know how to respond to that except for: WHY AM I AN AUSTRALIAN? TELL ME, PLEASE. Guh.

If you're in the area and you're worried about his abilities to pull it off [please ignore the J2 pun] then don;t worry. Jensen's done theatre before. Seriously. He was in Oliver!

SEE. I told you. This was taken at an after party while Andrew Keegan was trying to get an autograph.

... haha no, not really. Jensen, what's with the hat, dude?


Jensen looks good in anything. Even Orange. It's true.

Blue Steel. I've never seen that movie but it looks stupid enough that Dean would watch it. I ♥ him.

Dean: My roommate didn't say much, how's yours?
Sam: Just keeps staring at me... in a way that makes me really uneasy.
Dean: Sounds like you're making new friends.

Pretty much a plug of Jensen's teeth. They're scarily perfect.

Again, a great episode. Though I'm not sure whether that's an objective viewpoint. Oh, who I am I kidding that is definitely not an objective viewpoint. If you want honesty, I'd have to say I probably wouldn't watch Supernatural if I wasn't so into the boys. I was into the boys before I was into Supernatural. Don't get me wrong - I LOVE the premise, the characters, and all that, but the boys make the show. If it stuffs up now and then, I can forgive it, so long as there's a lot of Dean and a lot of silly banter. I'm easy.

The silly banter was in full force in this ep. "Don't worry Sammy, I promise I won't trade you for smokes" "You think you're funny?" - "I think I'm adorable." Prison fits Dean like a glove, it seems. Also, I like how reserved Sam still is - and I'm just waiting for the blow out. It's coming. Lastly, a note on Hendrickson. I love, love, love the way he has been written. He's not the bad guy for hunting Dean and Sam down - dude, he's a COP he's doing his civic duty. WE know the boys are innocent but anyone else who hadn't been save from the Monster of the Week wouldn't think that at all.

He's the bad guy for the way he vilified John to Dean without even blinking. He's the bad guy for the way he treats his inferiors; for ignoring the hotass lawyer this week who actually looked INTO the cases, rather than getting gun happy. He's the bad guy for being a ruthless, callous son of a bitch. He's awesome.


Title: Plain to see.
Author: 22by7
Fandom: CW RPS
Pairing: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG
Read it: Jared takes Jensen for his long-postponed eye exam. Really lovely fic that draws on boys who are empathetic and easy to connect with and who talk, and behave in a real way. Great piece.

Plain to see.

Title: All us boys on death row.
Author: 1shotjunkie
Fandom: Supernatural.
Pairing: Dean/Michael
Read it: Michael is Michael from 'Something Wicked'. I really need to work on my vocabulary because all I can think to say is 'quiet' and 'haunting' and wow. There's not much I cna tell you without giving it away, only: it's good. Read it.

All us boys on death row.

Title: Twenty Years of Snow.
Author: teapot_yo
Fandom: M*A*S*H
Pairing: BJ/Hawkeye
Rating: G
Read it: teapot_yo basically owns this fandom. Although her fics are few and far between it doesn't matter because she writes the characters in a way that makes me want her to write forever. I'd read forever. I only have about eight MASH fics memoried and hers are at least three of those. There is good reason: her stuff is wonderful.

Twenty Years of Snow.


Don't you hate it when you write a page of something and then stop. And then think, okay, nope, that's not what I need. So you have to delete it. GUH.

# Ennis/Jack for slashfest. Technically this is at the top of the list because it has to be done by June. But I'll probably write other stuff on top of it.

# 'Out of Sight, Out of Mind' MASH fic, which will tie in with fanfic100. Which, by the way, I should get my arse into gear on.

# Harry Potter fic. Yep. Ron and Remus. Gen. Pre OoTp, in relation to the way Ron behaved when he found out Remus was a werewolf: Don't touch me, werewolf!

# Criminal Minds fic. I've been watching a lot of Criminal Minds, the first season, so they're very much in my brain and I'd like to write them out of it at some point.

# Jared/Jensen AU. This one last because it's, I guess, a 'project'. I discussed it brefly with miss_begonia and this was what I said:

I really really like the idea of photographer!Jensen who is pretty detached from the world and all living in his own head and can't communicate with words so he does it with his pictures instead. I'm sure this Jensen has A PAST and I'm sure he'll be having sex with A JARED at some point but those bits are all still hazy. I can just see Jensen holed up in this ratty little apartment, eating Weeties for dinner and being content, y'know? Until Jared comes along and he totally wants for something again.

to which miss_begonia said:

I like the idea that he's an arty photographer at heart but he's got to pay the bills so he ends up doing fashion or magazine photography and Jared's some big movie/TV star and he has to take pics of him for a spread and he's all like, "Lalalala stupid celebrities" but then Jared is DIFFERENT,, sex ensues. *g*

so, haha, yeah. It could turn out just like that or nothing like that or I might never actually write it, but. There's my idea. If someone else writes it I WILL STRIKE THEM DOWN I'll be sad. I know mikhale has a 'verse where Jared is the photographer [I had to go and check that I had had AN IDEA rather than I was just projecting] but yeah, this won't be that. If it ever IS.

Haha, I tried to keep order in this post, the way paradise_city does, but I think I failed.

So what's going on, people?

picspam, recs, jensen, on the agenda, the epic 'ey you, i've got demon blood in me dean

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