(no subject)

Mar 15, 2007 23:15

so today I bought the boxset of Firefly and, why, yes. I do think that is the sound of another obsession coming on. before fandom I wasn't into scifi. I'm so easily cajoled to the dark side. Or whatever the hell. Though, truth be known, I see firefly/serenity as way more character driven than anything. Plus, the whole being in the future and everything is sort of grass roots and everyone talks English AND Chinese and says gorram and rutting and humped and GUYS. WHAT'S NOT TO LOVE. Also, Jayne is so foul and I LOVE HIM. ALSO? Mal and Simon? Yeah. They aren't fooling anyone. At least not this anyone. I don't understand what happened with this show? Only 14 episodes?

it's sevenfist's fault [my obsession not the short run of the show]. When I read Weight and Motion I thought, oh yeah I saw that movie, it had spaceships. So I read it and I was all OMGTHISISTHEBESTTHINGINTHEWORLD. Now that I've seen some of the show I can further appreciate how fucking great she has the character's voices. Yeah. I like it. Shiny.



Maybe You're Going to Be It by unamaga [Jared/Jensen - this is an old one but I only just memoried it]

Whenever Possible, Make Your Own Fun by azewewish [Jensen/Chris, Jared - again, an old one that I remember reading and loving but never memoried. Arctic Monkeys and Chris Kane. that's the shit.]

For I Have Sinned by miss_begonia is stunning. SO the premise - for those who need warning - is that due to his oppressed upbringing Jensen doesn't touch himself. WILL JARED STAND FOR THIS? In all seriousness, miss_b's Jensen has this amazing, awesome depth that makes you hurt for him but also sorta bask sin his beauty, Really. Lovely.

Also, I've been reading along with Everyone Experiments in College which is by indysaur and it really is an awesome fic. It reads well, everything sort of fits and it doesn't feel forced. It's another high school AU, give it a go if you haven't already.


Hakatai by sevenfists [I asked for grand canyon fic at spnstoryfinders and THANK WHATEVER'S UP THERE this was recced to me. implied wincest at end].

Harry Potter question: So Harry, he finds a Horcrux right? I mean, a few people have been bruised, beaten and killed in the quest, but he finds one. What then? Does he smash it with a hammer? Does he point his wand at it and say some hocus pocus? Or is there going to be different forms of disposal, specific to the horcrux? Is finding one only half the battle? Talk to me, people.


recs, jensen, harry potter, please explain, firefly/serenity

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