(no subject)

Oct 12, 2006 13:19

[music| Not Ready To Make Nice - Dixie Chicks]

Wow, for someone who IS ace excited about having 30 icons I haven't been doing a fantastic job of rounding them up. I used Ron because. It's Funny.

Quote of the Week:

Joey: If he doesn't like you, then this is all just a moo point.
Rachel: Huh. A moo point?
Joey: Yeah, it's like a cow's opinion, you know, it just doesn't matter. It's "moo."

Also: Is this real? I'm undecided.

I know that I'm a fandom whore. I've moved through a lot of different ones, different pairings, I have an obsessive nature. I've been reading close to no House fic just because I haven't been able to keep that close relationship with the characters - and I mean that the way channel 10 airs House is so sporadic that if I wasn't a fan, I wouldn't know what was an old episode or what was a new episode, if the season had finished or what. The bastards did that to me with [among many other things] Gilmore Girls, let's not get started on that.

So, yes, Who's Your Daddy? The biggest thing about this episode was afterward when we were shown the previews for next week. Guess What? Kinda already knew that he got shot. Kinda guessing that he doesn't die seeing as there's a third season. Still? Really freaking excited. I liked the premise of WYD and I liked Cuddy being in the foreground. Liked the H/Cuddy undertones. She's feisty. I dig it. Wilson was also amusing: Okay, so either you lied, or he has pictures of you being nice.

And that whole exchange about the ex girlfriend, House: He asked me to talk to her; Wilson: And you blew it; House: Actually [swivels hands backwards]. Wilson: *loses appetite* Ahaha.

After my internal battle with Brokeback Mountain AU, I caved and wrote some for fanfic100. I meshed htem together and posted them in wranglers:

Title: What We Could Have Been [or Five Celeberations Never Had]
Author: mijmeraar
Pairing: Jack/Ennis
Rating: PG13
Summary: All those things time stole. AU.

What We Could Have Been

And on the AU front, I realised I hadn't recced finn21's fic. It's High School fic that doesn't suck. I know, knocked my world off its axis a bit too.

Title: Who We Were When
Author: Finn21
Fandom: CW RPS
Characters: Jared Padalecki/Jensen Ackles
Summary: High School AU. Do not be afraid, this fic is gorgeous.

Who We Were When

And! More Recs. Wow I'm so organised. This is for Supernatural the show, rather than Supernatural the Real Real Hot Men We Pretend Like To Do *Things* Together.

Title: Maybe it Started Here
Author: miss_begonia
Fandom: Supernatural
Words: 1,200
Pairing: Gen - with possible Wincesty subtext? I don’t know, you decide.
Spoilers: Set in early S1. Sort of a character/relationship study of the brothers.
Rating: PG-13

Maybe it Started Here

As I've told miss_begonia herself, I haven't read a lot of SPN fic, but this is the stuff I wish the fandom was filled with and the stuff that makes me want to read more. Hope you enjoy the recs.


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