To my dear LiveJournal,
In this simple little post, that arrives too late, I have enclosed my love, my thanks, and my happy litle heart. I'm not leaving you, but as we see too little of each other, I thought it would be best to explain what you mean to me - even if I rarely stop by to express it these days.
You may not know it LJ, but you have given me a lot of things. These include but are not exclusively: a new perspective on life, and love; people I will never meet but will always be moved by; the written word as it meant to be written, selflessly; impossible boys, Hawkeye, BJ, Sam, Dean, Ray, Fraser and the hundred of others that passed my way; stories, stories, stories; sanctuary and peace of mind.
It was here, LJ, that I met all my wonderful friends, some that I'll be lucky to keep until I am 'old'. Friends who loved me for what I loved, and what I so loved to do, and for no other reason. This will always be your badge of honour.
Thanks, LJ. I'm not around a lot, but you're always with me ♥
Until next time,