Jun 30, 2010 21:10

If you'd please excuse the HOT icon that has nothing to do with this post but hopefully grabbed your attention.

I have to get all of this off of my chest and then I won't go on about it again much.

My name is mijmeraar, and I hate Twilight. If this offends you, please move on. I am here to rant melodramatically without care of differing opinions. I admit, I've only read the first story in the series, and you can't pay me to read the rest, but I don't care. I have enough knowledge of it to judge, and this is my judgement. I hate the poor writing skill. I hate the Mary Sues and Gary Stus. I hate the lame dialogue and pathetic plot and the juvenile, debase way the woman has used classic characters like Vampires and Werewolves to tell a High School story that would never happen.

However, let's go deeper. I hate that I see 7 year olds with t-shirts splattered with the face and names of boys. I hate that the girl they want to be has NOTHING ELSE in her life than a boy, and his love for her. Do I hate love? No. Do I think that girls should have faith in love? Abos-freaking-lutely. But don't give me a main character who is ready to end her life if that love is not requited, or if that love is lost. Don't give me a family and a story that has nothing else than this hackneyed, Romeo and Juliet, all we have in our life is boyfriend and girlfriends storyline. Where is the MEAT of these people? Why do they like each other in the first place except for some chemical IMBALANCE?

enablelove posted the Harry Potter trailer today and said a few words that made me tear up with happiness. KIDS, don't forget the real stories, like Harry's. Don't forget the characters who were simple, complex, flawed, funny, frustrating, nasty, nice, queer, loving, strong. Don't forget the main character who spent 11 years of his life in hell but walked into the face of death to save everyone else. Don't forget what love really means, and I'm telling you, it has nothing to do with sparkly boys who are scarily enough - if you really stop and think about it - DEVOID OF LIFE. Dead.

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