I like chinese food, let's go for some

Jun 05, 2010 14:07

FIRSTLY, I'm deeply sorry to everyone's birthdays that I have missed. I know your days did not hinge on whether or not mij sent well wishes your way, but it's important to me, because I DO love my f-list, even if I suck at keeping up with you all and what's going on in your gorgeous, hectic, ~
soul searching~ lives <3<3 I hope you had wonderful birthdays, even if that happiness was momentary and simple, you all deserve it.

I am housesitting which is GOOD because it's right near work and BAD because it's far away from any internet connection to speak of. But, I have a million things I should be writing and reading, so hopefully it will give me a chance to do that. Some of the prompts on that writing meme have left me dazed and confused, haha :D

Speaking of writing, I finally took the time to find out my BigBang posting date, and it's not until July 29th. Which is good in that it gives the amazing people working on it time, and bad because I am a terrible and impatient person. But, knowing life, and time, it will be here before we know it and I'll be wetting myself with dread and anticipation.

WHAT ELSE. Uh, could someone please link me to the picture of Jared and Jensen hugging at one of their weddings [Jared's from memory]? I have heard about it a million times over but am yet to see the real thing. Would be very much appreciated :D

ALSO, thanks for filling out that last poll, it was so fascinating to read about you all and don't doubt I will get back to you on all those little titbits. AND, because I'm going to be away for a little while, and because it's just that kind of post, I want to do this meme that I forgot to copy and post before opening the Post an Entry page, so I'll adlib:

TO MY FLIST! Pretty please leave a comment here, linking me to any of your creative works that you feel most proud of, or that you feel didn't get much attention and would like to be read, reviewed, loved on, etc. This is art, meta, vids, poetry, fic, photos, culinary delights, ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. I don't care if I dont have the topics and fandoms at hand listed as an interest, I'd love to see it!

I'll talk to you soon <3

fun and games, jensen, birthdays, fries with that, 'love' doesn't cover it, ttfn, jared

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