hello, bonjour, how's it going, ce pasa

Feb 21, 2010 22:24

Well hello there.

I'm currently sitting at sunnny's big arse computer, eating a hot cross bun [early, my mother will kill me if she finds out] and trying to gather up enough interesting shit to share with you about my holiday so far :D!

I spent last week with a close friend, seeing beaches and live music and eating SO much food and trying to get my big bang project organised. I know where it's going to go, but getting there is another story, pardon the pun.

I have pretty photos, which I will probably add to after the next few days with sunnnypants. We have plans that may or many not include ben and jerry's, old aquariums and a ZOO. We will report back, of course.

I watched the valentine's SPN episode with sunnny and I actually liked it, despite being severely grossed out. Castiel/Misha was awesome, as usually, and he pretty much tips the scale on whether or not an episode is good for me.

You guys have been busy and fandom has been busy and I have no idea what anyone is talking about half the time, so i've skimmed over the last few posts. I'd love to hear about anything you want to squee about :D. Happy birthday to whoever has had birthdays and kisses and hugs to everyone, and I'll chat with you later bbs.

your muffins look amazing, 'love' doesn't cover it, i've got demon blood in me dean

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