Oct 15, 2009 21:26


Tonight, I was reading a F/V/K story for the very first time - the Rays together just doesn't turn me on - and I made this stupid revelation that I probably, subconsciously had already made but it really startled me nonetheless.

Just say, at the end of CoTW, in a hypothetical Everyone Is Gay and In Love With Fraser world, Fraser finds love with RayV. Where does RayK go? I mean, you could give me plenty of answers but NONE of them would be good enough for me. None. I would always see him at the end of CoTW, by the campfire, talking to Fraser with 'you'll go and be Vecchio's partner' and smiling the most disappointed, empty smile I've ever, ever seen.

On the other hand, Fraser finds love with RayK. RayV has a family of miscreants he wouldn't trade the world for. He has that, 'knock me down and I'll get back up and have half a dozen women's phone numbers in my pocket' attitude we all know and love [and please don't think I'm devaluing their relationship, I'm not at all]. Fraser was/is/will forever be his best friend but he never NEEDED Fraser the same way RayK did.

I know I'm bias, I know that I will spin the show so that it talks in my favour but this is what I'm saying: this is what I believe to be true and I didn't even stop to think about it until now! How ridiculous! I love Fraser/RayK more than I will ever, ever love Fraser/RayV because I love them, the severe almost shocking desperation they have for each other and the absolute devestation that would result if they were split.

I fucking love them, and I love my show <3<3<3<3<3

Also, read Five Confessions by kindkit is you haven't already. It's full of angst, you will hurt, but you will like the pain.

recs, 'love' doesn't cover it, the one with the canadian mountie

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