like a barrel of monkeys

Sep 07, 2009 21:04


Oh, friends. I know that I'm preaching to the choir, but how funny is life? Every time you've picked yourself up, dusted yourself off and said, fuck you, Universe, I'm going my way; you get knocked down again [I resist the urge to break out in a little Tubthumping]. August can kiss my arse. In fact, 2009 can kiss my arse, really. It's just one thing after the other, am I right?

To top it all off, food has been kicking my arse. I haven't gained weight but I feel so awful for it. It's so no worth it. Why do I figure this out AFTER eating? I don't know.

AND, my eye has been twitching for three days and there are no muscle relaxants in this house.

Also, it's SPN week already? When the hell did that happen?


Detail, Fraser/RayK, by sisterofdream.

Coming Up Easy, Jared/Jensen, by light_up.


day 01 | a song
day 02 | a picture
day 03 | a book/ebook/fanfic
day 04 | a site
day 05 | a youtube clip
day 06 | a quote
day 07 | whatever tickles your fancy

Home - Spearhead.


DUE SOUTH FANS: would anyone happen to have 'Northwest Passage'? I freaking love that song.

[after biting into a sandwich Fraser offered him]
Ray: What was that?
Fraser: Window putty.
Ray: What else you got? You got any pastrami?

fun and games, recs, i am my own worst enemy, but wait there's more, fries with that, the quest, the real thing

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