Feb 14, 2009 18:24

Title: when you say yes, say it quickly.
Pairings: Hawkeye/BJ, RayK/Fraser, Reid/Morgan, Jared/Jensen.
Rating: PG15.
Summary: Our favourite couples attempt to show their affection through grand gestures. Each can be read on its own, sort of, but all are ~interlocked~.
AN: While totally self indulgent, I thought by doing a little bit for many fandoms I could give my flist a little token of love. When I say Happy Valentine’s Day, I mean Happy LOVE Day. You are so very loved <3

MASH, Hawkeye/BJ implied.

due South, RayK/Fraser

Criminal Minds, Reid/Morgan.

SPN RPS. Jared/Jensen.

fan fiction

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