you're not real but you seem familiar

Jan 11, 2009 20:30

♥ Hey! So, thank you for all the birthday wishes :D Needless to say it was a pretty shit day, seeing as how I was stuck here, haha. I'm hoping this week, or weekend, I'll do something to celebrate. Have dinner, spend some money, etc. etc. Thank you for helping me smile on my special day <3

ze_pink_lady would like your help regarding fandom. There's a survey over here, if you could please take the time.

♥ I reread Half Blood Prince, in preparation for hte movie, but found when I finished I had to go straight onto reareading Deathly Hallows. Then I reread this, which I'd forgotten about:

[after Fleur has taken polyjuice to turn into Harry] Fluer walked over to stand beside [Bill], giving him a soppy, slavish look that Harry hoped with all his heart would never appear on his face again.

and now I want fanart. Seriously. Also like when Fred and George, who are both now Harry, turn to each other and exclaim "We're identical!' Oh, Harry Potter. I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU.

♥ It's come to my attention that I'm a sheep. Actually I knew this a long time ago but I'm reminded with my sudden interest in Robert Pattinson. He is an unwashed, uncouth, silly BOY and yet:


♥ Okay, because I'm feeling the love today, an anonymous love meme under the cut!

1. We've been flisters a short while but the transition felt easy and you're just this good, confident person and you've been through some shitty stuff but you don't bow to anyone or anything and I admire that. I really like you and I look forward to talking and flisting, ha, much more.

2. I always say the same thing when I describe you but it's probably truer today than yesterday, or the day before. You're the sweetest person, and you're GENUINE with it, You're different, and different to me, and I'd just love to sit down and have tea and learn all about you. In a non-stalkery way.

3. Oh, girl, girl, girl. mijmeraar would be a totally different place without you. You brought colour, when you added me as a friend, and I'm sorry we didn't do it sooner. You're everything good about fandom, but much, much more.

4. I can't say anything without giving it away. I want to be friends forever.

5. The other day I realised how long we'd been friends, like, real-to-life and talking nearly every day friends and I thought HOLY SHIT. It's just, flown by. You're so much a part of my life - even though you don't know it, or doubt it, that's just what you do ILU - that there'll never be enough days.

6. I wish you were around more, and I wish I was more involved with your LJ because every time I talk to you I like you that much more. I hope our time to be better friends comes soon.

7. I don't do enough for you. It is not because you don't deserve it. You're unique, you make me laugh, you could teach me a thing or two, I don't doubt. I need to stop by your LJ more often.

8. You're such a freaking gorgeous person I can't stand it, haha. I still look at you like this, imporssible thing, which you probably wouldn't like, but anyway. The talent! Oh, man. Just ... don't stop being you, if you can help it, okay? The world's a great place with you in it.

9. I don't know! I love you, I've always loved you, and I know you know but, it's not as easy to reassure people when you don't see much of them. It's as true as it was when we were talking every day, hon. I can't wait for ... well, I just can't wait to see more of you.

10. ILU. Every little thing about you, what you know and believe and wish for and do. That saying 'good people'? That's you. You're good peple.The best kind.

I'm still working on my fiction journal, howdoyoutakeit. Loll, SHAMELESS PLUG. You gotta love that.

Take care of you <3

birthdays, fries with that, rpattz, love doesn't cover it, howdoyoutakeit

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