Jan 20, 2006 10:12
Today is Friday, which I am very happy about so I do not have to be in this school for a whole 2 days. We get out today at 11:20am like I said a while ago. Allison left a couple comments on my journal and it just so happened that she was in a bad mood that day that she had said she was tired of certain things, good, because I thought she was angry at me. So I am looking for pictures for my icon, which I am excited about and no one found out about my journal yet so that is good. Well I found this site were I can get icons, so I saved it on my documents, but for some reason it wouldn't work. So when I tried to delete the picture off the school computer, it didn't work....so great, but nobody will know it was me who was on this computer because if they found out it was me, I would be in so much trouble because that icon was not to happy. We got out early yesterday to, so I went over Adam's and then he is coming over today and we are going to hang out and eat chinese food, that I am paying for! To be honest he is way to close to me, I mean he always has to be with me, he can never just leave me alone for a day.....but I guess that is ok, because I am sure when I am gone in college I will miss him alot, so I won't complain. I am really hungry to.....poor stomach. I went searching for icons and I found one good one. Today wasn't as bad as a day as a couple days ago, but I do feel bad. Even if it is not a bad day, there are still certain things through out the day that make it alittle bad, but I will manage like I always do right? My finals yesterday were art and history, I did ok on histoty and I did really really good on my art, I think when I go see Allison if it is ok with her I will take it to her house so she can take a picture of it and post it. I drew a picture of the Grim Reaper, it is really good to. My finals today were science and study hall, science I did ok, and in study hall, I am on the internet. Next semester I do not have study hall, so I will not be able to get on the computer anymore, only on Wednesday, so I will when I can, do not forget about me. I will talk either again before I leave school for the weekend, or I will just talk to you all some other time. I hope you all have a nice weekend, and I will talk to you all soon and Allison, we will hang out soon. I love you Allison and Tana, have a nice weekend, talk to you all soon to update you on my life which I know you are all so looking forward to right? Sayonara..........