I'm back from Arisia, my favorite convention of the year. I didn't go too overboard this year with costumes because I was so busy, but I did complete one new costume: Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians. It came out pretty well, too!
Also, I had a great time doing a reading from some of my fanfiction. Normally, they only allow published authors to read their work. Well, I convinced them, and the results were excellent! I read the first chapter from "Crossfire," which has a delightful cliff-hanger. I think the audience was more interested in my reading than in the original work that was read before mine. In fact, I'm pretty sure I heard a few people gasp when I got to the last word. One guy was surprised that I'd written it myself. Other people asked for website addresses so they could read more. (I've already gotten comments from a couple of people who went online and found my AO3 posting. One said she read ALL of my Star Trek fics already.)
Anyway, the fanfic reading was a thrill. :)
I also participated in a panel on "Options in Non-Monogamy." That was interesting, and I got a lot of appreciative feedback from the audience for my participation. I was on a "Science and Politics" panel, and that was... frustrating. Now, as you know, I'm pretty damned liberal. However, there were two people on the panel who were just... heads stuck in the fog. Lousy panelists. One guy handed out advertisement fliers for his radio show to the panelists DURING the panel! INAPPROPRIATE. The older woman on the end didn't make any sense, babbling on about epistomology. The rest of us were trying to have a productive conversation about laws, education, and the state of science awareness in our country. Frustrating, to say the least. And finally, a panel on gender in sci-fi and fantasy. That was a good panel, and pretty much went as expected. And finally, a DELIGHTFUL panel on fanfiction, shared with some other brilliant and well-spoken fanfic writers, including the illustrious
ravenna_c_tan. Very good time... although I wish more people in the audience had been unfamiliar with fanfiction so that we could share the medium with folks who are new to fanfic.
So... you want to see cosplay pics, don't you? I really need to wait for a snowfall to do some really good Jack Frost cosplay pics outdoors, but I've got a few that came out nicely indoors. Here's a teaser, and then the rest are below the cut.
I did cosplay in older costumes, but I didn't do any cosplay pics. This was the new one this year. I want to work on the pants a bit more, but for now, it was a lot of fun to cosplay. :)