Dear Anon...

Jul 11, 2010 11:09

Dear Assholes Next Door,

You're normally very nice people.  And you seemed to be having a lovely garden party yesterday.  Happy birthday to the kids.  Pleasant crowd, no outrageous behavior, no insanity.  The problem, dear neighbors, is that you played this really really loud thumpa-thumpa music that sounded like a broken video game.  And you KEPT playing it.  FOR HOURS.  You started mid-afternoon.  On and on it went.  And finally, at 10:30 at night, I called the police because my wife needed to sleep because she had to be awake at 5:00 AM for work.  And then, although you quieted down for a few minutes, from about 11:15 to 11:20, you started right back up again, and I needed to call the cops AGAIN.

I'm sorry, but that makes you ASSHOLES.  Completely inconsiderate.  It was midnight before the music finally went silent.

You didn't need to stop partying.  I don't care if you socialize until sunrise.  Just turn off the goddamned music!

No Love,


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