Fic is currently at 54,000 words, 119 pages. I expect another 2K to round off the rough draft. It's been partially beta'd, and it's been test-read by a couple of people. I still have to finish writing the wind-up scene, but I can do that. It will be ready in time to submit to the Big Bang folks tonight
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Don't drink too much, bb. That leads to very few good things. :D ♥
Also, I'm still wibbly on the title. Do you have any thoughts on the title?
And no, I'm not going to drunk too much. Right now, I'm drinking green tea. Yeah, hard-hitting stuff, right?
Hmm, the title. Bound does work, but it is a little forgettable, if I'm honest. I'm fresh out of suggestions, though - mainly because it's ten to seven in the morning right now. When I get home tonight, I think I'm going to give your fic a thorough reading (if not betaing), and I might have some ideas then. I don't know. *facepalm*
Yeah, hard-hitting stuff, right?
:D ♥
Also, I assume you got your draft in on time?
*tucks you into bed* *realises that at the time of typing you're probably either still there or already up* *facepalms*
Also yay, permission to rip apart. Seriously, English Lit is so boring this year. I need to analyse something. Seriously. *angry face*
Right, work now, betaing later. ♥♥
Also, this? "I don't want this to be a romantic love at all. I want this to be a bond that forms between these two guys that's stronger than that." YESSSSS.
And... ha, yeah, I've been at work for four hours already. And I'm a freakin' zombie this morning, let me tell you. I need more coffee.
Yes, permission to rip apart. That's what I want MOST from my betas. I want them to rip it apart so I can make it better - as good as I can possibly make it - so that what gets posted for everyone else to read is the best I can do. So have fun ripping it apart!
And yeah... I'm aiming for that sort of bond that's so strong that romance would be a step backwards. That, I think, is Kirk/McCoy at its greatest. I hope I achieved that.
Also... I have made some further modifications to the fic. As they said, the first submission is a rough draft. Now it's time to make it SHINY. I shall send you the updated file shortly. :D
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