Dec 13, 2006 15:35
December 7th~we went for our first NST and I was having regular contractions once again and when they did an ultrasound you were butt down legs resting on the bladder with your head in my lungs. WE also got a flu shot today~OUCH!!! It stung like crazy~both sissy's got one too. Tuesday Dr. Lattu scheduled us for the c-section!!! I am getting so anxious to finally meet you and see how big you are since the last ultrasound said you were 2 weeks bigger and Dr said the same. It's all our pumpkin and milk :)
The 11th we went to Loura's to make ornaments after our cookie day~she made pumpkin oatmeal raisin cookies~man did you love them~you were moving all night and Loura finally got to feel you. You are such a character~ Anniston was singing to you and you kicked her hand~she rubbed my tummy a bit and you kicked~she did it again and you kicked~you 2 played this game for 5 minutes before she got bored and ran off. She comes to my tummy everyday to sing to you and give me a Woah my baby brother is getting HUGE!!! If I say you are hitting my tummy she corrects me and says no I its not your tummy its my baby brother. She claims your hair will be pink but your eyes will be green like hers and daddies. We can't wait to meet you!!