Jan 13, 2009 17:22
The Sixth Floor
By Mija **(Sorry guys I am still sick but I am trying to crank out another chapter. Hope you guys like)
Disclaimer-I do not own Naruto or its characters. I make no profit from writing this fic or any other story. This fic is rated 18+ for a reason, please read all warnings in the prologue before going any further, all previous disclaimers and warnings from Prologue apply to all chapters to this fic.
Chapter 7
~That very same night, after all the commotion with Sasuke and the mirror had died down and everyone had gone back to their rooms and their beds. Subconsciously everyone breathed a sigh of relief. It hadn’t been more than just a few days since they all moved into the brand new dorms and everyone on the sixth floor had yet to have a boring quiet night. Sadly everyone but one person in particular could say they had a restful night sleep.
~It hadn’t taken long for Shikamaru to fall asleep. For him it wasn’t hard, he was a lazy boy by nature and had no problem falling to sleep when he wished to. After the raucous with Sasuke and the bathroom thing, he had gone directly to sleep. It had been only about an hour since he’d fallen asleep, his internal clock which was rarely ever wrong, let him know this. When he was suddenly woken up.
~At first Shikamaru just stayed where he was, didn’t move or let the cadence of his breathing change. But he was alert. He had not been sure what it was that had woken him up but he wasn’t easily startled from sleep. The room was dark and a slit of light from the half moon outside managed to slip threw the curtains, but it was still damn dark in his room. Shikamaru never had a problem with the dark and still didn’t, but he hated the trouble it caused when he needed to see in the darkness without having to get up and turn the light on, even if all he had to really do is stretch out and flick on the single lamp that he and Naruto shared between their beds.
~He let his eyes get accustomed to the darkness and scanned the room. He could make basic shapes out and he knew where pretty much everything was in his shared room. Like he could see Naruto’s bed and see that it was empty, he had been told that Naruto was spending the night with some family friends. So that didn’t surprise him, but what did surprise him was the look of Naruto’s bed. Oddly, in the dark it look as if there had been someone sleeping in the made bed. He knew for a fact that when he went to bed that Naruto’s bed was made and pretty much smoothed out like most made beds usually were.
~Naruto’s bed looked weird. In the dark it looked like the covers were pulled down and that something dark was indented into the bed. Figuring that it was no doubt a play of the light and dark in the room Shikamaru sighed and closed his eyes to go back to bed. But just as he closed his eyes he heard the distinctive sound of bed springs moving and that had Shikamaru snapping his eyes right back open. Now Shikamaru was not one for an imagination. He thought it to troublesome to dwell on fanciful things and never bothered, there was always a logical explanation for everything.
~But that sound? He swore he had heard it coming from across the room, from Naruto’s bed. He looked over to it once again and saw the same thing as before, the bed looked rumpled as of some one had been in it and the indent in the bed that seemed really, really darker now was still there. Sighing Shika got up from his own bed and casually walked over to Naruto’s bed and peered at it. No his eyes had not been playing tricks on him, the bed covers were off and the bed looked like some one had been laying in it and there was this strange dark stain in the middle. It looked slick and shiny.
~He reached his hand out and touched the dark spot and pulled his hand back when he confirmed that indeed it was something sticky and wet. He brought his hand closer to his face and could swear that it looked like blood, even smelled coppery like blood.
~”What the fuck?!” he gasped out, as his other hand reached for the lamp on the night stand. He was pretty much blinded by the light the suddenly lit the room up.
~Shika blinked his eyes and tried to get his focus back. When he did he looked down at his hand, the one that had had the sticky wet stuff on it and blinked several times. There was nothing there. He looked towards the bed and his eyes got a bit wide and a frown marred his face. The bed was perfectly made and there was no dark spot, stain or anything remotely like he had seen. The bed covers were in their place and looked exactly like it had when he had first come back to his room and went to bed. What the hell was going on? There was no WAY he could of imagined what he saw. There was no way that he could of just imagined the bedcovers having been off and the dark stain or indent on Naruto’s bed. Nor could he have imagined the noise of the bed springs moving, as if someone had been shifting on top of it. As stated before, Shika was not one to imagine things, he was not one to fear the dark or worry about what may lurk in the shadows. But that night, that night Shika stayed up for hours in his own bed with the lamp still on and did not dare close his eyes to go back to sleep. His mind worked feverishly trying to work out what he had seen, what had happened but even when the rays of the sun came up and he finally allowed himself to fall asleep, he hadn’t come up with one solitary rational reason for what had occurred.
A/N-ok I know this chapter was short but as I said I am still sick but I wanted to get something out to you guys. Hope you enjoy it and I will try to get another one out soon. Stupid cold, flu or what ever it is, is kicking my butt bad. Anyhow thanks for the comments and reviews I appreciate them more than you can ever know. Huggles and smiles Mija.