What. are. some. things. that. make. me. sad.
Oh Rass.
Things that make me sad:
- Homeless people
- Certain Indian Love songs
- Orphans
- Animal Abuse
- Domestic Abuse
- Mass Killings
- Suicide
- When completely innocent people are killed.
- Homeless Animals
- Cruelty
- Rape
- Darfur
- Boys..well…CERTAiN ones.
- Death
- Seeing someone get teased, picked on, or made fun of.
- Mentally challenged people.
- Ignorance
- Roadkill
- My Life [your entertainment]
- Buying chinese food & forgetting the duck sauce.
- Being away from the twin for long periods of time.
I’m pretty sure theres waay more, I just can’t think of any at the moment.