nothing can prepare you for the cray cray that is bollywood

Aug 01, 2012 14:32

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NOTHING can prepare you. Not even Hong Kong movies. No matter how jaded you think you can be when facing weird shit.
No one can defend themselves from Bollywood. Were just like bare-naked soft skulled babies about to have our whole mentality molded into something we really don't want it to be, ever.

In other words I loved Ra.One. It was bomb.

Yesterday it suddenly came to me why Buck Tick gives me so much feels. When I was a small child, before I could read, I listened to cassettes of Uppo-Nalle stories. I loved the one where the Singing Bird Dog fled to space and talked to the stars.The noise they had on the cassette as the stars' voices sounds exactly like a lot the noise, or feedback BT often uses. Today I find it incredibly serene and comforting.

It was more the idea of the Singing Bird Dog just easily flying into space and talking to the stars like they were people, that I loved. (And it was a freaking bird dog that loved to sing and had huge flappy ears he could fly with, instead of fetching dead birds that hunters shot like the breed does in reality.)
I had this another German kids book, beautifully illustated one, where a star falls into a little girls room and she has to embark on an adventure to take it back. I think she tried flying on a raven and a plane and eventually found a rocket that did the trick.
These things might also explain my life-long infatuation with Saint-Exupery's Little Prince. Something as great and unknown as SPACE being somewhere you can just fly in and out of and have a nice chat with a gazillion year old burning ball of fire. Or live on it and grow flowers on it. Freaking baobab trees. It's a whole another level of "fuck the police". Imagination is an amazing thing.

The Little Prince had to die to go back to his asteroid though. Which again is the reason why I loved Paul Brunton's Hermit In the Himalayas so much. He believed everybody goes back to their own individual stars when they die. I think he was more like aknowledging the inner world that you will always have with you. But it sounds, when taken literally, really cute.

It's probably not healthy for a 21 year old but these are the kinds of things that fuel me.

Just saying it's funny how every thing you're interested in is just a link on a chain. No matter how new something feels it's just your subconscious grasping onto the familiar parts you haven't noticed yet.
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