Jul 24, 2011 23:53
- yaaay birthday someone alert the Sunset Squad robots to take me to the Near-Death star as I am an old woman now. I ended up spending my birthday sick with heat exhaustion. Even with the windows open in my car there was absolutely no difference between interior and exterior temperatures. Thankfully with some rain the humidity disappeared so I haven't had to repeat it.
- Tron: Legacy at the IMAX fffffffffffff /screams forever
- hung out with some friends on Friday where we watched a movie called The Room. This movie was both hilarious and terrible... hilarible? It was an hour and a half that I will never have back, if nothing else. If horrible acting and awful sex scenes and plot holes you can drive a semi through are your thing then definitely give it a go. There's also a flash game for it on newgrounds which is amazing and may be better than the movie itself.
- caught up to the rest of the world and saw Deathly Hallows 2 on Saturday. I've already talked to a few people about my feelings on the movie so I won't ramble too much about it here, but I was basically not prepared for the emotions the movie created. It's almost hard to believe that it's actually over.
- I really like doing fax and I love the team so much aaaaa they're such awesome people. The thought that I will have to stop doing this at some point in September and go back on the phones makes me so sad. By the same token I haven't actually had a proper coaching yet so I have no idea how well I'm doing. I was supposed to have one on Monday but my supervisor left early in the day and I never got my half an hour. I'll have a 15 on Monday but I'm actually really nervous about it.
more later. Bedtime for meeeee