the motions

Jun 03, 2010 08:19

Class last night - shimmy layer warm up, Layer of the Week, the Sera Combo, drills, arms, and cool down. I've discovered I love getting techy with advanced students on technique - things like keeping at hip down at the end of a hip drop to give it more gravity, and the opposite with chest pops - keeping them lifted at the end of the pop to give it more......not-gravity - and I'm wondering when that happened. When did I get perfectionist techy and aware of things like that?
Good, but weird.
Practiced after class - I'm liking how some songs are coming out, I'm fairly sure I'll survive the fire dancing tomorrow night, and I'm finally looking forward to it. Still need to work on posture like major though. Must find a better way to do it. Arms are improving, but need more work on my left arm. Hand flippy thing is still happening as well.

Between all of my acitivites, I earned 30 points on Tuesday, and 48 points yesterday.

exercise, classes, critique, practice

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